Things you could do while waiting for your flight...

@Mizzmo (31)
May 19, 2007 2:34am CST
Hey, we used to check in 2 or 3 hrs before the scheduled flight. What are the thimgs that you can do while inside the airport waithing for your flight...come on share something to ease that boredome..
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@mystery5 (350)
• India
23 May 07
We often check in quite early for our flights too. I usually carry a book - i.e. a magazine or a novel with me, to read throughout the waiting period, and sometimes if the flight is a very long one, during the flight too. Sometimes I even carry a pack of cards and play games with my family. Apart from that there isn't much else I do.. I spend a bit of time roaming around and exploring the place, and then just settle down and concentrate completely on the book. We also just chat, at times. If we're hungry, we buy something to eat, and then sit and just talk and talk and talk about everyone else in the world, maybe gossip too... there are plenty of things to while away time!