Do u use mobile phone on working hours?

May 19, 2007 9:02am CST
do u use mobile phone on working hours? do your company allow you to use mobile phone on working hours?
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2 responses
@jlara_gtr34 (3491)
• Philippines
20 May 07
hmm, not really on working hours because im still a student but i do text during my classes. i have learned to become so good at it and the teacher doesnt even catch me. :) lol
• Malaysia
20 May 07
do u allow to bring mobile phone to school?
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
19 May 07
I do use Mobile Phone during the working hours as it is required for my job. Currenly I am a project manager and needs to address customer queries at all times of the day, so have the mobile phone on during working hours. I do switch it off once I am back home as I don't really want intrusion into my family life and only my family members can reach me on my personal number. Cheers! Ram
• Malaysia
20 May 07
thanks for reply...