Could You Steal Someone Else's Idea?

@wolfie34 (26771)
United Kingdom
May 21, 2007 3:50pm CST
If you heard about an idea which could make you an absolute fortune, either on the internet or from a friend and you knew it was someone else's idea or hard work that had made this 'idea' extremely valuable Would you cash in? Secretly? Knowing that you could make some good easy money totally LEGIT but it wasn't your idea. Or the idea originated from another country and if you tweaked the words or the idea about or modified it would you go ahead and make that idea, someone else's your OWN to capitalize? It's a dog eat dog world but could you be the poodle or the rottwheiler?
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18 responses
@yanjiaren (9031)
21 May 07
I WOULD ONLY USE THE IDEA WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE PERSON THAT THOUGHT IT OUT AS IT IS ONLY FAIR THAT THAT PERSON ALSO BENEFITED FROM IT, EVEN IF THEY COULD NOT FIND THE MEANS OF CARRYING IT OUT THEMSELVES. I think we have to create a fairer and more just world as every one is beginning to live in a jungle the way we are going and it won't be a very nice lace for our kids will it? I do not like it at all when people poach other people's ideas and the other people who thought of the ideas don't benefit. I find that a very cruel act don't you?
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
21 May 07
Would be great to live in a fair world, shame it's not Earth, thanks my friend
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@yanjiaren (9031)
21 May 07
Shall we run off and find another planet lol?
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
21 May 07
No, never ever. I work too hard for my own ideas that I would never just steal someones hard work and ideas. Never have and never will. I only take credit for what I do and no one else.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
21 May 07
I admire your honesty and integrity
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@weemam (13372)
26 May 07
No pal I couldn't do that , I could never steal anyone else's thunder , I would just feel so bad I would make myself ill . years ago I made all the family long slim bags with a loop at the top and an elasticated hole at the bottom to keep carrier bags in , .. Years later I saw the very same idea being sold by betterware , It used to really annoy me every time I got their catalogue as I never thought of making them to sell lol xx
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
22 May 07
No, I don't think I can do that. It's wrong to steal someone else idea and it sure would be a lot of work so I would prefer to help this person with his/her idea though.
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@mummymo (23706)
22 May 07
I'm not going to say it wouldn't be tempting to have financial stability for my family but heck I wouldn't be able to live with my conscience! I am basically a very honest person and I find it very difficult to tell a lie - I think when you tell a lie you have to keep lying to cover it and before you know it life wouold be totally unbearable ! So therefore my dearest Wolfie I think I would have to say a definite no I couldn't do that! xxxxhugs xxxx
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
21 May 07
I couldn't steal it, get rich, and enjoy it so I guess the answer is no.I might tell the person it is a great idea and see if he/she needed another backer or partner.I just couldn't steal it.I have to look at myself daily and sleep at night and I could do neither if I stole the idea.I might even think about it to see if there would be something I could add to it to become part of it...but no I would not steal it.
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@msmamaof2 (367)
• United States
22 May 07
I could not. Especially since it has been done to my husband. He had an idea and someone he told cashed in on it and right before he got his patent they stole his idea. Not nice in my opinion...
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
22 May 07
Idea?? could you simplified it to invention? on my opinion i would not rather use someone else invention or ideas.. to make me rich or whatever..i dont know about the others though but for me modest not comfortable with it..getting rich due to others idea...its just trouble anyway since the owner will not make go away with it ..sooner or later i guess..rather living peacefully than being rich and being notorious..
• India
22 May 07
thats possible but only idea we can stolel but it is not possible for us to do any thing with his/her idea no applications
• Singapore
22 May 07
I don't think I would. That is just too despicable and my nature rebels against the thought. If it is yours, it is yours. I won't take it without permission.
22 May 07
Hi there, i must say no, i could not do that its wrong no matter how much this idea could make them, it just aint right.
@rosema (1145)
• Philippines
22 May 07
for me, BIG NO, to steal someone's idea is a crime.
@shorty08322 (1270)
• United States
22 May 07
@maxy29 (77)
• India
22 May 07
i will never do that n if any one steals my idea i will never leave them.....
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
22 May 07
LOL, no I couldn't do it - i'm too honest! I couldn't live with myself if I knowingly stole someone's idea - I think my conscience would bother the heck out of me. I think shame on anyone that does this. Karma has a way of getting them back!
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
22 May 07
I really would never want credit or money for anything that was not my own idea. It would take away the joy or reward of it for me...I would want whoever honestly deserved it , to have it....Its just about rightous judgement and doing the right thing....that kind of greed will get you into trouble..
22 May 07
Hell no.. I use the "word" hell strongly and not for religious reasons. I hate copy cats, rip off's as I think it's easy to come up with an original idea and I think if I couldn't think of one then why steal? If I or for someone else couldn't think of it they shouldn't take credit for it. I've had people rip P&A off with just a "Forum" hosted by a free forum host and shoot their mouths off saying they thought of it, they're "true" to helping etc. I could never do it, not even if money was involved. I guess I have to much respect for myself and who the ripping would rip. (
• United States
22 May 07
It's kind of funny. DH's uncle has had some invention in the works for several years now and it's going to make them wealthy beyond dreams or something. But he won't tell anyone about it unless they sign a confidentiality agreement. M/SFIL have never signed so they have no idea what it is [for some reason I think it's some variation on a spork, but I have no idea why I think that and am likely VERY wrong]. That said, if someone mentions at lunch one day 'wouldn't a new kind of spork be cool?' and then never mentions it again and you have a great idea, that I think would be fair game. If they had an idea for a spork and you went behind their backs and took it... no, not cool. Carol