discplining your gf/Wife?

May 22, 2007 5:46am CST
My gosh i did got little bit angry at the guy on my lot who wrote this. How can people think that way?.Beating your own wife/gf? How about if we women would discipline their husbands/bf?.Still men are the one who cheat the most and get so agressive towards people.Why shouldn't they be disciplined. I could ask the same question.How can we let our men behave? You don't hit your wife or girlfriend and viceversa. I can't believe people still think that way.
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2 responses
@rims4a (2)
• Malaysia
22 May 07
Haven't read what he wrote. But if by disciplining he meant beating and the like, then he's a coward and sick. Everyone needs disciplining but it must be through "by example" not "brute force"
• Netherlands
22 May 07
He didn't talk about beating up but he said that in the old days men were allowed to slap woman.And he thought it was right because girls can act like spoiled little brats,but i told him he should look it from both ways.We discipline eachother not just only women.Anyways he will find out it does't work like that.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
23 May 07
Sadly, it does many places.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
23 May 07
Sadly, its in both major religious texts that men are supposed to beat their wives as a form of discipline. My ex hit me once and I informed him that if he ever did it again, he wouldn't be waking up the next morning. It is only cowards and ignorant fools who think that women have to do what their husbands tell them simply because they are married. Marriage is SUPPOSED to be based on mutual respect, not slavery
• Netherlands
24 May 07
Yes you're absolutely right.And i think it should come from both ways.We don't have to serve eachother we live with eachother and we both have to make sacrafices,we both need to tell eachother what we did wrong.Hitting someone is just a form of a person who can't handle things anymore.Well i hope i find a guy who doesn't think that way.