Can you help resolve a disagreement? ....

Handcrafted Turquoise Necklace - This was made by me a few weeks ago. A shortie necklace with delica beads and different types of turquoise beads.
May 22, 2007 11:22pm CST
Hubby & I were having a discussion about men wearing jewellery a few days ago. His opinion was that around 90% of men don't wear it (excluding wedding rings). I disagree with this and think more men wear jewellery. If I had to put a figure on it - i'd say around 60% of men wear it. Any opinions? Let's see who's closest - me or him!!!
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28 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 07
man and jewellery.... - man and jewellery is a rare combination.
in my place, i rarely come across ppl who wear costume jewellery except for those who are actively into fashion business. but then they are a countable few. in olden times we have had a good fashion for jewellery but then it subsided almost complelety and now its coming in fashion again. however, i would not go above 35%.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 07
what about your hubby? i guess, he doesn't end up wearing yours!! LOL..
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• Australia
23 May 07
ha ha - no he doesn't! He dislikes man jewellery and only wears a wedding ring and watch. lol
@nowment (1757)
• United States
28 May 07
I do think there is a percentage of men who wear only a wedding ring, and watch yes, but considering the size of the jewelry industry this includes the volume of available jewelry for men, I would say you are closer to accurate than he is, if only 10 percent of the population wore no jewelry other than wedding rings then why is so much being sold? While I don't know the exact percentage, I would think it has been increasing steadily over the years, since the popularity of many celebs, especially those in the music industry wearing more and more jewelry, more men are wearing jewelry. I grew up around men who wore simple gold chain, some with a cross on it, some with a saint medal. I noticed that the age of the group of men would be a factor. Men who are older, tend to wear a wedding ring and a watch and nothing more. Men who are under the age of 55 or maybe 50 are more likely to wear more. Chains with some kind of charm on it, often sports related, or I have seen charms that deal with pool, poker, sports, saints, religious symbols, or chinese symbols. Though most stick to one chain, not mulitiples like those who are wearing all the bling bling in the entertainment industry. So age and background will factor in. When it comes to men who are old, it is very likely that your husband is correct, or even over estimatin how many are wearing jewelry other than wedding ring and watch. When it comes to men under the age of 55, I think that you are more likely in the area or maybe even more than 60 percent do.
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• Australia
30 May 07
I agree with you nowment that it is the younger ones that are wearing the most jewellery. The older generation do not wear much, mostly a watch and perhaps a wedding ring as you say. It seems there are a few factors that seem to influence the wearing of male jewellery which I had no idea about. Thanks for responding my friend. ;)
@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 May 07
Yes Feralwoman, the other factor would perhaps be a cultural, or religious background since I have sometimes seen older men who will wear just a chain, with either a cross, jewish star on it. And most of my Italian American relatives seem to favor a chain, with either a cross, just the chain itself, or with the horn on it, some for luck, some tradition, some for the superstition of the protection.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
23 May 07
Most of my life i lived with people that were and are artists, and the men always wore jewellery. Rings, necklace, tattoos, piercing and more. But when i moved to another place, and for away from all of the bohemia world, i did notice that not many man wore jewelery. It really depends what is your life style. I know that now, in the area that i live, it is rare to see man wearing jewelery. and that is a pity. So the conclusion is: if you live a more open lifestyle you see a higher percent of men wearing jewelery. In other areas man are still fixated with the fact that jewelery is just for women..
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 07
well, if you consider tattoo as intrinsic jewellery, then men do wear them a lot. i guess, the percentage would be around 65%.
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• Australia
23 May 07
Hi there Liranlgo. I agree that "arty" types like to express themselves by decorating their bodies - whether it's wearing jewellery or having tattoos. I have numerous piercings in my ears and a nose piercing. I also have 3 tattoos at the moment. So what we have now is: Younger men seem to wear more jewellery than older men; lifestyle also influences the wearing of jewellery. Thanks so much for your response. ;) lol
@aissha (2036)
• India
12 Jul 07
hi feralwoman where u were anyways good to see u ,now coming back to discussion i think i agree with u for example my husband wears one bracelet and a god chain and i see many people specially indians wear ,now i have seen people wearing earrings also so u are the winner clear cut.
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• Australia
23 Jul 07
Hi there Aissha - you're back and so am I my friend. Thank you so much for responding - looks like i'm winning so far! He he! lol ;)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Well put me on that list --uh...your list...I think more and more men are wearing jewelry nowadays. Since I know you're into jewelry design, you no doubt know about "costume" design in general...Years and years ago, both men and women equally wore jewelry...uh, look at say the Baroque period--men were just as "fussed' up with refinery and jewelry as women.... I've seen just as many men today, wear just as many rings as a woman--outside of the wedding rings,...including thumb rings!...What about pierced ears...I've seen enough men have them as well So tell that hubby of yours...he's WRONG--LOL And where oh wear do you get those great avatars!!
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• Australia
23 Jul 07
Thanks for your response pye! I was watching a programme on TV the other day featuring tribes in Africa and everyone was wearing the most elaborate and gorgeous jewellery. I'll certainly tell hubby he's wrong. As for the cat avatars - they are part of a powerpoint slide show sent to me by a friend. Apparently the latest thing in the US is to get 'yer cat painted! Must only be for the rich & famous I guess - but the artwork and design is absolutely fantastic. I've got one of two black and white cats with moons on - I'll try and put that one up!
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
16 Jun 07
I think more men are wearing jewlery than before. When you exclude wedding rings, but consider earrings or other piercings, as well as chains or pinky rings, I would also agree that it would be at least 50% have something. I don't think 90 percent would be accurate, even in days gone by, because wrist watches or pocket watches could be considered jewlery.
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• Australia
16 Jun 07
Hi Woodpigeon - I tend to agree with you there! I think I may be winning this argument! LOL ;)
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
3 Jun 07
If you count earrings and piercings which I have, I do have a gold chain but don't wear a watch, hmmm I would have to say that I would disagree with your hubby, 90% is far too high. I would say 60% of men wear jewellery, I think you are the winner in this disagreement!
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Yes, I would count earrings & piercings. Thanks for responding mate! ;)
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
24 May 07
My hubby sounds like yours, he isnt comfortable wearing any jewellery, but these days all the young guys are wearing all sorts of jewellery. Sometimes you wonder if they raided their mum's jewellery box! When my hubby and I first got together he had an earring and would sometimes wear a necklace, but thats about it. I think these days though you are right, there would be more men wearing jewellery than not.
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• Australia
24 May 07
My hubby only wears a watch and a wedding ring - that's all. Thank you so much for responding! ;)
@rosie_123 (6113)
4 Jun 07
Well perhaps it depends on what part of the world you live in? Here in Europe I would say the figureis at least 75% of men wear jewellery - maybe higher. All the men I know ehere a watch, a ring of some kind (whether wedding or otherwise), and most wear some kind of chain around the necks too. Also a large amount of younger guys have one ears pierced. So I would definately agree with you on this one.
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Here in Australia, most younger men wear some sort of jewellery whether it be a piercing or a necklace. Most of the older guys will perhaps wear an earring but not much else apart from a watch or a wedding ring.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 May 07
I have to say i agree with you.The most men i know wear some type of jewerly.I think in the past they didn't but now days they do,it has became very popular for men to wear jewerly.I do have to say though that your husband is correct as far as what use to be,but now days i look at men and most all of them have on some type..Rings,earrings,necklaces,even bracelets now...
• Australia
25 May 07
Yes Slickcut - in the past men didn't consider wearing jewellery - I know my father never ever did, not even a wedding ring. Nowadays I see lots of younger men wearing the stuff, and perhaps the occasional "older" man with an earring left over from his hippy days no doubt! Thank you so much for your response mate! ;) lol
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
24 May 07
Well, lets see...I have 3 brothers, a father, stepfather and husband. Husband wears no jewelry not even a watch or wedding ring. Father wears only a watch and wedding ring. One brother wears none, one wears only wedding ring and the third wears 2 wedding rings his and his late wifes on his pinky. My step-father wears his wedding ring, a 10 year anny. ring from my mom and his watch. I don't see many men that wear much more than a wedding ring and watch if that. LIVE IN PEACE
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• Australia
24 May 07
Well that's blown my theory to bits! Thanks very much for responding! ;) lol
@hezoid (2144)
28 May 07
Hmm, i'm not sure really. My partner doesn't wear it, he used to wear an earring but took it out, and very occasionally wears a watch, but i don't think he likes to wear jewellery. I don't even think he'll be able to wear a wedding ring all the time when we get married becuase he's a painted and decorator and i'd hate for the ring to get damanged or be dangerous (ie he could catch it and damange his finger). My dad doesn't wear jewellery either, other than his wedding band and a watch, but my brother does have the odd necklace a or braclelet (surfer type style ones made of leather with wooden beads) that he wears.
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• Australia
29 May 07
I like the surfie type jewellery! I think it could be the younger generation like your brother who wear it mostly. Thanks for responding Hezoid. lol ;)
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
31 May 07
I think wedding rings and especially watches make up the majority of the jewelry that most men wear. There are some exceptions though and they usually have to do with race and culture. For instance, a lot of black men wear jewelry, as do hispanic and italian ones. The deeply religious often wear crosses or crucifix necklaces as well.
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• Australia
31 May 07
Hi Filmbuff - yes, I agree that the wearing of jewellery has to do with race and culture - and also, so it seems, age. With the younger men wearing more jewellery. Thanks so much for responding mate. lol ;)
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29 May 07
I think i would agree with you there, possibly even put the percentage higher. I have 6 piercings, wear a watch, chain and bracelet, and rings other than a wedding ring (not married!) Martin
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• Australia
30 May 07
You wear more jewellery than I do Martin! Thank you so much for responding. lol ;)
• Canada
24 May 07
I actually don't know any men at all that don't wear some piece of jewellery even if it is just a watch or wedding ring . My husband wears a watch all the time and would love to have a nice chain . He lost his wedding ring so he doesn't wear that anymore and I can't say all that much to him since I lost mine as well . Neither of us is any good at being able to keep stuff like that without losing them . But I would have to say that the men in our area it would be at least 90% or more that do wear jewellery of some kind .
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• Australia
24 May 07
Well you two are a right couple losing yer wedding rings! I think i'm winning so far. Thanks a lot for responding. ;) lol
• Canada
23 May 07
50-50... I currently live with a goth boy who owns more jewellery than I do... and technically I believe a watch is considered jewellery too
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• Australia
24 May 07
Yep, goth's/emo's love jewellery, that's for sure. Technically perhaps a watch is jewellery, but we were discounting watches and wedding rings in our conversation as they are common items. Thanks so much for responding. ;) lol
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
23 May 07
I think it depends on where you live. I live in New York and men wearing jewelry is very common. They wear necklaces, bracelets and more than one ring at a time, not to mention earrings. I would have to agree with you that it's probably more like sixty percent of men wear some kind of jewelry.
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• Australia
24 May 07
I agree that it depends on where you live - how wonderful to be in NY! I live in a very historically spiritual area and there's a wide variety of people that live here. Mostly it's the younger ones that wear the jewellery, although I have made necklaces for a few "older" men! Thanks for responding wachit ;) lol
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
23 May 07
Arrowhead Pendant - A man's arrowhead pendant.
My husband wears a bracelet some times and he has a catholic cross he wears. My son who is 13 always wears some form of chain. Both my husband and son have their ear pierced too. These days many mean wear jewelry especially the younger generation.
• Australia
24 May 07
I agree that it's mainly the younger generation Swtrose. Thank so much for responding! ;) lol
• United States
23 May 07
I would guess around 70 to 80 % wear jewerly. Because alot wear an earing etc. It does depend on age as some younger kids are wearing more and more jewerly. But as an adult I think it is very sexy when I man wears jewerly.
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• Australia
23 May 07
I think it's sexy too! Thanks for your response Udderones. ;)
@maehan (1439)
• United States
23 May 07
I do observe that now aday men did worn jewellery. Majority are wearing necklance or bracelet.
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• Australia
24 May 07
Thanks for your comments maehan. ;) lol