Does it drive you nuts when people use u and r instead of you and are?

@missybal (4490)
United States
October 22, 2006 10:04pm CST
I hate all that one letter stuff. It actually slows me down on reading what they are saying and when they put too many down at once... Any one got some really good ones?
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14 responses
• United States
28 Oct 06
Those things drive me crazy, too. I mean the ones like LOL and LMAO and BTW are ok. But I've seen some people never spell out one entire word! That makes me nuts! ppl for people makes me the craziest, don't know why, it just does. I don't read stuff like that anymore. If you want to talk to me you have to spell your words out.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I had to ask my husband what LMAO was. That's cute, but sometimes they make me feel so stupid.
@mauldinmama (1501)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I am so sorry I am quilty......
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
28 Oct 06
You are one of the mild ones so far, so don't worry too much.
@quink82001 (2938)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Yeah it does bother me and slows me down but sometimes if im in a hurry i will use it to abbreviate.
@jmusser (177)
• United States
31 Oct 06
The more you chat online the more you get used to it, and then you may find youself doing it, I have to make myself not type that way :) I got really into it and it didnt look to professional so I had to stop completly so I wouldnt have to proof read and correct so much
@missybal (4490)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yeah it's kind of like swearing. I use to work in a bar and I picked up swearing and then I discovered I had to stop myself from doing it because otherwise I would do it when it would be very bad. My friends laugh at me for using shoot or nuts or fudge instead. I think it's better then accidently swearing infront of a child.
• United States
28 Oct 06
OMG, this drives me insane! I don't mind some short hand stuff, like the LOL and OMG, and the BRB and BTW... but RU and UR and C (see) and those just drive me insane!
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@juicemilk (2283)
• Australia
4 Nov 06
I have a friend who sends me text messages with almost every word abbreviated (I hate the ones with numbers in them like l8r) I think its just a waste of tiem really, with predictive text it's just as easy to write the whole word
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
4 Nov 06
Yes just as easy, but if text messaging in your country is the same as here, you have a character limit before you are charged more to send the message.
• United States
28 Oct 06
My daughter uses one letter when texting. I don't like it because, it confuses me. No, I don't have any one letter stuff to add. God Bless
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I don't like it when people do that either, especially when they are typing in a forum like this. If it's my friends then i tdont mind so much.
@Pmcbride (1081)
28 Oct 06
it used to, but not so much anymore i got used to it
• United States
4 Nov 06
It doesn't bother me too much now that I have figured out most of them but I myself would rather type the words out just so people always understand what exactly I'm trying to say.
@soorajk (39)
• India
28 Oct 06
Hey im one of those guys who has got used to it... sorry if it drives u nuts...oops..sorry again
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I only use "u" and "r" when I'm text messaging. Otherwise I write it all out. It doesn't bother me that much when other people do it, as long as it's not all the time!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yeah I wouldn't mind if I only saw it every once in a while but it's every where.
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
4 Nov 06
It doesn't bother me at all. So long as it's readable, I don't see the issue. Unless of course it's in a business letter or something, but for general chat it is a relaxed environment where things such as spelling or abbreviations shouldn't be as much of an issue.
• United States
4 Nov 06
Oh wow I hate that so much! I like to see everything typed out. I must admit I don't often spell correctly, but I sure like good old fashioned English. Seems like this world is making so many short cuts. I love to try to find the appropriate words to convey my deepest messages. There is something special about a handwritten letter; even on Instant Messaging. I can sure tell alot about a person when they will type it all out.