Can my wife and I post at the same time with different ID?

Which country I was in? - From the building and the decoration,which country i was visiting at this time?Or just give the region maybe.Not the exact country.
@rudz006 (209)
May 24, 2007 11:27pm CST
Hi there,Can my wife and I post at mylot at the same time?But we are using different PC and different ID.So we can make two income at a time.Or maybe it will make the browser slower?What do you think?
2 responses
• India
25 May 07
No problem ! You can make two incomes at the same time :). It wouldn't make the browser slow as it isn't a heavy site which has lot of graphics. I think that you can use 2 ID's from the same computer ! I, however, haven't tried it out yet.
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
25 May 07
I don't see why not if you have seperate accounts and can acess at the same time on different PC's...