Your mother or your girlfried/boyfriend?

@Mizzmo (31)
May 28, 2007 6:19am CST
What if your mother does not really like your girlfriend or boyfriend, would you choose to be with your mother or your lover?
5 responses
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
That depends. There must be something wrong with my boyfriend if in the first place my parents disagrees on the relationship. I will not just back out in an instant with my guy. I'll still go on dating with him hoping to find proof that my parents are correct with their instincts. I do really respect my parents so I will try to understand them. Sometimes actually, we tend to not see the other persons flaws and imperfections because we are so blinded with the thing called LOVE so we try to reject the idea that he's not compatible to you as a partner. I as well do respect my man. I'm not a judgemental person of course so I'll give him a chance to prove to my parents that they're wrong with their impressions on him. Time here is your bestfriend because you can only say your final decision if you have spent enough time with the person involved. Situations like these should not be rushed ( not unless if the guy you are scrutinizing is a serial killer! Which I hope will not happen to any of us. LOL! ) but I hope and pray you'll realized things sooner before it's too late. All I can say is GOODLUCK then! ;)
@Mizzmo (31)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
wow...seem so serious huh...hehe..well, that's right, trying to see every angle, not being blind about love. it's either you disobey your parent or proceed with that person. Learn how to balance and value ur relationhips, in either ways, with your mom or with your lover. Giving both parties importance..of being listened. After all there's only one thing we value here. LOVE.
@kawaii24 (520)
• Australia
1 Jun 07
I definitely can relate to this discussion :) I used to have a bf that my mom really hates. However, since I love that guy...I stood up to my mom and she later accepted us but it took 2 whole years before she did. later on, I fell out of love, broke up with the guy...thus all I can say is Mothers knows Best. hehehehe
@Mizzmo (31)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
we'll never know if we don't try. At least now, there's nothing to regret, you did try to work it out, you you stood for him but in the end, still you broke up. I think the best part of it is that you were able to do somthing about it not just let it die, see it withered were in fact you knew you could do somthing. That was a nice try...try to oppose your mom..haha..kidding..
@mdchennai (2129)
• India
28 May 07
Ha ha ha, quite difficult question. Well friend, at the time i started my love, i told my girl friend, that i cannot marry her unless and until my parents dont accept her. At the same time, i will also try to convince my parents. I just want happiness on both the sides. Hope that my parents get convinced and accept her.
@Mizzmo (31)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
hehe...what a good bargain! good that your girfriend understands...
• India
1 Jun 07
I feel if your choice is good then your mother wont object but even if she objects then you must explain her. She must be having a geniune reason, but if she dosent have one then I feel you must listen to yourself. Finally you will be staying with your partner
28 May 07
Hi there, I was in this suitition once before and i chose my boyfriend who now is my husband, me and my parents never really got on so i guess it was easy for me to make this disision and i feel it was the right one for me.
@Mizzmo (31)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
that's normally what happens when the parents interfere...most of the time you end up not getting along well with your parents. I hope you could work out on that.