Cranky Boyfriend - what to do?

@Marie2473 (8512)
May 29, 2007 4:20pm CST
My bf has got it in his head that he needs to go on a diet and this has caused him to have such a bad mood that it is amazing. everything that I say is wrong. Today it got so bad that I threw a meatball at him and told him to eat it before he would drive me crazy *lol* He really do not need to be on a diet - but when he decides something it is hard to stop him... Now - how do I ignore his bad mood?
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18 responses
@laridbz (1280)
• China
29 May 07
Hahahahahaha! I'm sorry, but I had to laugh about the meatball! :D Well, it's more than clear that he is doing it the wrong way. He is probably eating too little, or completely stopped eating everything he likes. I've never seen a person moody because of a diet, honestly. Are you sure it's the reason why he is like that? Well, anyway, if trying to talk to him doesn't help, try to ignore him completely until he gets "better". I know it sounds childish, but he is already being childish for a while with you. It's hard to tell because I don't know him, neither you, but that's what I would do.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 May 07
i also had a big smile when i read that marie threw a meatball at his boyfriend. just wondering how marie looked like when really pissed off.. scary! girl power! go go marie! well, it's easy maybe to say to ignore the person.. but when it's him you see every day of your life, i guess it's too difficult to just ignore him. maybe talk to him atleast and share your feelings to him. might make things better.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
yeah, I am sure that it is the reason to his mood and I am also sure that he is doing it the wrong way. yesterday he just had a few apples and nothing more. The thing is that he is not fat at all - he is not evenoverwieght but he has that idea in his head =) I tried to tell him that it is better to eat a well balanced diet instead - but he will not listen. I am sure that he will give up soon though, he was tempted this morning when I had eggs and stuff for breakfast *lol*
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• United States
30 May 07
Believe me I get in a really bad mood/cranky when I have to diet. No one wants to nibble on carrot sticks all day when everyone around them is eating Thai food or pizza or cookies.
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• United States
29 May 07
Oh I hate cranky boyfriends, I had one this weekend, I did everything I could just to not be near him cause he made me so mad at him getting mad at me at the littliest things, I finally had enough and took him away from the house and sat him down and apologized for anything I had done in the past or in the future and to get him to realize that he was making my life miserable by his behavior, it helped a bit, but so did not being around him, just think tomorrow is a better day. Perhaps you can get him to not diet, I have this great 3 day diet that will do wonders for him, probably let him lose 10 pounds, write me back if you want it, it is only a 3 day diet so he would only be cranky for 3 days and since men lose weight so much easier than us women you might only have to deal with his moodiness for a few days. Take care.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
the thing is that he does not need to loose weight - really! He has just some strange idea in his head right now - i am sure that it will pass!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 May 07
i don't think it's easy to ignore his bad mood since you are together everyday of your lives. so, better live with what he wants to do. crazy, huh? well, you can't do anything about it. you said that once he decides on something, it's already hard to stop him. so, let him be and just support him. so, you won't be annoyed most of the time... note: just when they say women are difficult to spell... we can say that men are more difficult to understand. hehe
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
yeah, men are as bad as women. They are definately not easy to deal with at times =)
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
30 May 07
so, men should stop telling us how annoying women are, huh? hehehe. but honestly, i am annoying, too sometimes.
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@beaniegdi (1964)
30 May 07
You need to get him on the Atkins diet. It is great especially for men, they can eat as much meat, egg, cheese,fish etc as they want, so they cn have big fry ups so are never hungry but the weight will just drop off him. The only thing is there is not much fibre in the diet so he will need to take something each day like fibre gel or he will have problems. I think you can drink as well on this diet so just put him wise to atkins and then he will be able to have as many meatballs as he wants.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
1 Jun 07
i have looked into this diet actually, but there seems to be different opinions about it =)
• United States
30 May 07
Well as much as this might sound really I would suggest using the last resort which is simply the SILENT TREATMENT! It always works just don't bother with him for a while, and he should then get the picture and straighten up. If that doesn't work then I don't know what would, because that seems to be the most effective thing for most people.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
hehehe, silent treatment usually work. After the meatball i went to the other room and stayed there. it took about 15 minutes then he came and apologized for beeing cranky =)
• United States
30 May 07
I know it might sound really bad, but it might just work :) Best of luck in resolving that issue.
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@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
29 May 07
My hubby has never been cranky because of that particular reason but he has been unbearable and cranky when he decides that he will not drink anymore. He is a bear and nothing i say is right nothing i do is right and he is just all together mean sometimes. So i stear clear of him. if he is one room i go into another or if i cant do that then i just dont speak to him and if he askes why i am not talking to him i tell him why should i if all i am going to get is my head bit off or a rude responce and sometimes he does better at it and tries to be nicer and sometimes he just ignores me back but at least i dont have to put up with his crankiness. But quiting drinking is alot different then dieting so it may be totaly different for you good luck
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
Cranky is cranky - but I am sure that he has different issues if he is fighting drinking =)
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
30 May 07
You do not ignore his bad mood you bring it to his attention, and tell him how it is making you feel. I know that you are trying to support him in his efforts and there is no need for him to be abusive and for you to get so angry that you have to throw things. this is not a good combination. If everything is in the open then it is workable but for moods and temper tantrums are immature. and you just want to swing, Talk it all out and get the air cleared.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
Thanx for your comment. I am trying to talk to him though, coz he really is doing this diet thing wrong. He has more or less not eaten for 3 days and that would give everyone a mood =) I have promised to cook a helathy meal for him tonight and he has promised to eat though so I am sure he will be in a better mood after that!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
30 May 07
Why not just throw the whole plate of meatballs at your boyfriend to cure him of his crankiness, LOL! Just kidding, marie. We all tend to be grumpy from time to time. I suggest you close one eye and pretend that you didn't notice his bad mood. Give him his space and let him sulk around. I do not know your boyfriend so I can't say if this will work. I always stray away from people who are in a pissy mood. If they are ready to talk to me, then I can start hopping in to their side.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
hehehe, yeah a plate with meatballs, sauce and potatoes =) Nah I will leave him to be grumpy for a while - hopefully it will pass once he realise that he does not NEED a diet =)
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
30 May 07
Well just tell him that it is not about a diet, but about a way of life. and if he will do an extreme diet now, he will gain weight later on in life. Scare him a bit. LOl. Then just give him a balanced meal program that he will fallow, and the moods problems will be solved. I hope. :)
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
I did try to scare him but he did not belive me =) I will have another talk with him later today though and tempt him with his favorite food (I am mean) *lol*
@Lovett (464)
• India
30 May 07
My bf is also cranky,, bout the fact that he wants to grow his hair long , I dont want it, cause its quite hot.I told him it was ok if he went bald, but long hair was a big no-no. He doesn't seem to listen, so I have told him that ( fact is he likes my hair long)if he grows it, then I will go for a bobcut. He obviously yelled at me, but is still growing it. I would advise you toeat all his favourite dishes in front of him. He wont be able to control it!!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
hehehe, that is also a good idea, to test his willpower =)
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
30 May 07
Perhaps you could persuade him to give up on the diet and start eating healthier and exercising with you?
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
Yeah, I have tried but he is just not hearing me right now =( I am preparing dinner for him now and he has promised to eat though so tonght will probbaly bring him in a better mood
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@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
30 May 07
Well. i guess it could be because he's stress up? Make him see the light... no use making both parties angry... tell him that he should be on a healthy diet instead of plain dieting alone, do some exercises like going to the gym, go for a jog, or even playing basketball and swimming? that will help... if not, talk to his close friends and family... involved them in and ask them for help... as to how to make him eat? cook a meal for him? tell him its prepare by u specially for him? regarding his bad temper? maybe talk to him about it? he might not know he is in such behaviour...
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
Thanx for all the advices. I will make him dinner tonight and he hnas promised to eat.. maybe we can have a quiet night tonight =)
@latsmom (824)
30 May 07
I would personally just support him in what he wants to do by cooking healthy meals and try to enjoy them together. Maybe if he sees you are supporting him he will stop being moody with you. I think he is feeling down and cross with you as he feels you are not respecting and listening to what he wants and takig it on board. he may not need to diet in your eyes but as long as he is not starving himself I don't see the problem, jsut try and support him as much as you can.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
If he did eat food I would not have a problem with it but the reason he is moody is because he is not eating. yesterday he had 3 apples and a banana and thats it... All people would be moody after that :-)
@pinankg (11)
• Macau
30 May 07
If your bf is on diet if also it is not necessary for him you also do not eat anything when you are with him and tell him that if he will eat you will also eat.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
haha, starving myself does not seem like to much fun =)
@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
29 May 07
My first thought was to tell you to shoot him, but I've changed my mind...LOL. I got a kick out of you throwing a meatball at him. Marie, he's definitely not dieting right. Check out some online sites until you find something that will give him nourishment, but maybe cut down on his intake of carbs. I know how grouchy someone can get when they try to diet in a wrong way. There's got to be something online that will be right for him. Good luck and I hope he stops being cranky.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
he is doing it the wrong way but he refuses to listen to me - he is very stubborn *lol* However I do think that he started to think when I threw that meatball at him...
@sunshinecup (7871)
29 May 07
ROTFLMAO!!!! You threw a meatball at him!!! The only thing I can think of is for you to start complaining about your weight and act just like him. Maybe this will some how make him calm down a bit... or threw a meatball at you :0)
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
30 May 07
hehehe, yeah I just got so angry =) Well that is a good idea, many men hate when women complain about things like that *lol* I will give that a try!
@sunniek (286)
• China
30 May 07
you have the opposite situation with me,i'm always having a diet and persuading my boyfriend to do the same thing.
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@hotbiatch (276)
• Philippines
30 May 07
I understand how your boyfriend feels. I have had a lot of experience regarding dieting. Most probably, his foul mood is caused by the stress brought about by the lack or deprivation of nutrients his body needs. also, physiologically, his body may be adjusting to the new amount of food he partakes. I am now in a diet that has been working for me. Post a message or your e-mail address so I can tell you on what I am currently using. Have a great day and my best regards to your boyfriend.
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