DIAL-UP Connection!!!

June 1, 2007 5:19am CST
In the fast changing world we always look for pace. but whatif if you need to take the help of old technique/ system. Suppose you are provided with a system with internet connection but that is a Dial-Up connection. What will be your condition after half an hour or a hour.
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5 responses
• Pakistan
1 Jun 07
Hahahaha Back to dial up buddy i am on dia lup as Dsl is very much expensive in my country that you can not imagine 512kbps is of 500$ a month what do you think can a person even in America or England can afford that i don't think so but we have to live with it and i am happy by force using my dial up mylot page took more than a min to open on my dial up so you can imaging what if i am to download a file more than 5mb how much time will it take :(
@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
1 Jun 07
I am still using 56k modem connection and i think its doing just ok till yet even though the downloading speed is really poor but still with other things its fair enough and i use it for not just half an hour but for plenty of hours and i use dsl aswell and still i dont get fedup with dial-up connection.
@lovedude (4447)
• India
1 Jun 07
either me or PC won't be there after half an hour :) may be both won't be there ;) haha anyway yeah its true we need atleast 64kbps continuous speed in net in this fast world..
• India
1 Jun 07
I am still using Dialup connection. I am upgrading to broadband very shortly. Yes, sometimes it is frustrating to work in dialup especially when normal pages take a hell of a lot of time to load. But it has been like this for the past 5 years for me. So i got used to the dial up. But obviously once broadband is installed, i will see a clear difference.
• Australia
1 Jun 07
I dont think it would be tolrable for many people. People who have issues and can not stand it dont have it, and only have to use it in dire circunstances:ie. I work full time in the IT industry having a 10 mb/s link in my office and a cable 15 mb/s link in my house, and only use dial up in dire circumstances when required as a last resort, at work. But unfortunately at times you have to do it and have no other choice but to just cope with it.