Why do they do this to me?

United States
June 3, 2007 6:49pm CST
Well, it's way past dinner time. And, I'm watching one of those true life murder mystery stories on TV. NBC, I think. And, up pops a Pizza Hut commercial. I know it's bad to think about eating pizza when you're on a diet. I know its not good. But, I do it anyway. And, it's always my downfall. How does Pizza Hut know that I'm out hungry right now. It's as if they're reading my mind. I know it's not healthy to eat pizza, but they catch me at the worst times. During my weak moments. It's so frusutrating. Pizza has ruined my diet more times than I care to mention. Other than coffee, it's my one last vice!
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8 responses
@lauriefnp (5111)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I had to laugh reading this, because it sounds just like me! There's a pizzeria that is famous in the city of Buffalo- they make over 75 different varieties of pizza. It's just my luck that they have now opened their first location outside of the city, and it's less than 5 minutes from my house. In fact, it's on my way home from just about everywhere I go! I've been there twice already, and with 75 varieties to try I'll be there many more times... Stay Strong!
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
4 Jun 07
wow. 75 varieties of pizza? i hope we got that here in the philippines, too. and sorry for those who are dieting... it will tempt them more and more. but i wanna try all those 75! i bet it's your aim, too!
@cpinet (4)
• United States
3 Jun 07
There is a remedy to that. Get a small microwave pizza, find out how many calories it has then substitute it for something else in your diet. Or use it as a reward for accomplishing something, like losing those 5lbs in a certain amount of time. Then get another one and Keep it in your freezer. So every time you open your freezer door you will see it and it will remind you of the "prize" you get if you lose another 5 lbs. It works and one small pizza now and then won't hurt you..
2 people like this
• United States
6 Jun 07
That is such a good idea. I'm going to try it out!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
4 Jun 07
well, pizzas are really delicious and tempting, too. i love pizzas so much that i have a dough at home already and the ingredients ready for me to fix and then cook on my own anytime i want to have pizza. as for you, even if you're on a diet, there's no need to say no to it. eat pizza once in awhile but with moderation.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
I know what you mean. It's a devilishy cruel plot to make us all fat. I love pizza too...and coffee. I think that you just need to try and take your mind off the television. Maybe...change the channel...or pick up a book..etc. Eating junk food is a definite no-no when your trying to diet. I know I am trying to diet too....and it is really hard!
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I can totally understand!! Noght time is when I am most tempted, I can go all day long without eating much but once it gets dark and the kids are going to bed...I want to eat anything and everything I can!! My biggest thing is chips though, I stopped buying them for awhile and did fine without them but then my hubby bought be some Pringles trying to be nice and so now I am back to buying chips =( I am like you trying to slim down abit before I have to go anywhere in a bathing suit!! I can't even bring myself to put one on much less go swimming in one =) Pizza sounds wonderful now that you mentioned it, all cheesy and doughy...YUMMY!!! I think I will keep drinking my water and go to bed now so I don't eat!!!
@quiz88 (4)
• China
4 Jun 07
There are several ways to solve it: 1,try sth. better than Pizza 2,try to hate it! But how? Still many ways to go: a)Eat Pizzas as much as you can once,if you fail to hate it,do it again and again.Later,you will hate it! b)Just read or watch those materials about how dangerous it is to eat Pizza 3,try to punish you by sb. else when you can't help yourself
• Canada
4 Jun 07
Eating a pizza now and then won't kill you. Maybe have 1 a week, 1 a month. Or what he suggested, the prize. Eating a pizza wich some vegetables like broccoli has at least some health in it. Lets hope you get off your diet soon.
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
i know exactly what you feel. pathetic. pizza is really one of my weaknesses and i never resist even a slice. hey does anyone know what an alternative food can i eat when im craving for one.?? same but more nutritious.