Things you thought as a child

June 4, 2007 3:21am CST
What are the stupid things you thought as a child? -- I used to believe in Santa Claus
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3 responses
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
7 Jun 07
When I was a little kid, my mother used to tell me that if I swallowed an orange seed while eating the fruit, an orange tree will grow out of my head. I thought that was true and I really believed it. I think back now and realise how silly I was. Now we tell kids the same thing about the orange seed, and see if they fall for it.
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• Philippines
13 Jun 07
Yes i thought of this too, got freaked out when i swallowed one lolz!
@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
4 Jun 07
When I was 5, I thought I could talk to snakes and birds, and rats and cats,(just not to dogs) I thought I could fly, and almost jumped off a mountain, I thought I could walk on water, I believed in the boogeyman, I wanted to marry Jesus.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
Oh tha's very silly marrying jesus?! what made you thought of that?
• Canada
8 Jun 07
me to :) i also thought baby's came from the bank =]