when do you do exercises,moring or afternoon or everning,and how long?

June 6, 2007 8:37am CST
i used to hate doing ecercises ,so i become so fat .my mother always complains this to me . so ,now ,i try to do exercises,of course the main purpose is to lose weight. but i don'n know when i should do it ,morning,afternoon ,or evening ?becuse as far as i know ,too much exercise is also not very good ,and maybe it will make me have much muscle ,like a man.ohhhh,no ,i don't want to be that.,i just want to be a slim and healthy girl. so ,my friend,what do you think? when do you take exercises,and how long?
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9 responses
@sreevasu (2717)
• India
6 Jun 07
Oh.. well I don't do any exercise and I am not fat either. But I do walk a lot and do some physical labor every day not as exercise but as part of my daily life. That, I think, is sufficient for me. To avoid getting too fatty, it is heard that avoiding meat would be of help. Meat contains too much fats in it. Walking too is good. Thank you Wuyan for the post.
@sreevasu (2717)
• India
6 Jun 07
If possible avoid meat completely. Fish is good. Try walking too. Thank you.
• China
6 Jun 07
oh ,i really admire you ,you are not as fat as me .LOL... YES my friend told me to eat less meat ,that is good for my shape and my health.so ,now i really have little meat.i hope it will help me .hahahhah...
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Ive been taking a walk everyday in the afternoon. For about one hour and I return home. Walking is one the best things you can do. Just make sure you do it everday. And drink plenty of water. Now get walking.LOL
• China
6 Jun 07
thank you ,my friend. i will do. and i will try my best to keep on it ,for my good shape ,i do!!! LOL thank you again. all the best wishes for you
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
25 Jul 07
I do my daily 30 minutes exercise mostly in the afternoon. Sometimes, when I am at home in all the morning I do it in the morning. This 30 minutes is really not too much, so I allways can find time for it, every day. Do not be afraid you will not have much muscle with the daily routine exercise. Your figure will be much nicer. Drink a lot of water, and do not eat bread and potato, or white rice. ANd of course avoid sweetness. It is not simple, I know. Maybe you know too, that if you eat protein (ham, low fat milk,egg)the fat burns. But the fat burning will be faster if you do exercises regularly. The most important that if you began, you may never give it up any more, because you will be even fatter. So plan your daily exercise very carefully, do not want more than you will do day by day. If you will loose your mood, all the fat will goes back to your body. So the diet is not enough. You must to learn to change your life style, not only for 3 weeks, but for the rest of your life. In this way you will not gain weight anymore. My daily 30 minutes is not much, but I know it every day when I start to do it. I can be tired, I do it, because I know that 30minutes is only 6x5 minutes. I do 10 minutes jogging, than I make my muscles work for 20 minutes.
@pelo26 (1552)
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
I seldom exercise now but I do some quick weight lifting every now and then on mornings. I used to go to the gym and spend an hour or two after office but that was more than a year ago. I just don't have the time right now.
• China
6 Jun 07
oh ,my ,you know ,i have a little difficulty in exercising an hour ,becuse i will be out of breath and feel like dying.my friends told me it all becuse of my those fat in my body.hahhahahah... now ,i just take a walk and rope jumping ,i don't know wether it will work ,but ,i think it will surely make me healthier. thank you ,my friend. blessed be.
@pallidyne (858)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I do most of my exercising in the evening. Mostly due to needing to be at work at an early hour and it being an all day thing. If I get the chance I may walk during lunch in the afternoon, but that is few and far between. During the evening, especially since it is summer, I like to take walks after work, usually a few miles, sometimes more. My challenge now is that I may be losing inches on my waist, I am gaining pounds due to the muscle--- I mean its ok and I am probably healthier, but my damn doctor keeps hounding me to lose pounds since I don't fit his lil scale thing for my height.
• China
6 Jun 07
hahah....thank you ,my lovely friend. you know ,recently ,i just take a walk in the aftenoon,i used to go shopping by bike ,but now ,i walk. a little tired for me ,however ,my friends all encourage me to keep on it,they say it is a good way to lose weight,hahahh.,,,i hope anyway ,thank you for your response again ,my friend
• India
28 Dec 07
Walking is always a very healthy habit. If you think, you can always see that our ancestor and elders are always more healthier than us. This is because, most of their daily activities involved more physical activity than the devices involved as in our lives. They walked a lot throughout their lives, which has helped them to get their muscles toned and improved health. My grandfather can still walk better, longer than me and still don't feel tired after walking continuously for hours. I have lost a lot of weight just eating less, not eating greasy foods and meat, and doing more exercise and being active. It wasn't that hard to lose weight, though it was easier to gain a lot of weight. When I was in high school I never exercised at all and I ate a lot of snacks, so I got very fat.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jul 07
I go for brisk walking in the morning for 45 minutes and cover 3.5 kms. In the evening I do static cycling at home for 20 minutes. For me exercise is like taking food, without which I consider my health will deterioriate.
@toe_ster (770)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You do them when you are comfortable. The key is to do it regularly. Like at least three times a week. You can do it morning noon and night if you want to. You just have to do it and keep up with it. I like to do it when the weather is not too hot. So sometimes in the evening i is nice and cool, or earli in the morning. You are supposed to do 20-30 minutes for at least three days a week.
• China
24 Jul 07
I like jogging at evening.There is a university near my apartment so I often do exercises on their playground.Its so quiet and the air is refreshing there.And I would listen to music while I am running.I have sticked to it for more than two years and its fun!