My best friend is mad at me

United States
June 6, 2007 6:02pm CST
OK so this is the first time that my best friend has ever been mad at me, and i admit i messed up. but i dont know where to go from here. she's never been mad at me in the 11 years that we have been friends. here's what happened: I was up visiting at my mother-in-laws house, and my best friend lives in the same area. (i live in the bay area...they live in redding ca...bout 4 hours north). She had come to see me the night b4 and had to go home but i was supposed to come see her new house that next day (sunday)....saturday was a long night of that next day i didnt feel like going anywhere......she said she was going to be home all day and that she wasnt doing anything. i didnt call......which was my bad...but she didnt call me either (i always call to make sure she is still coming over). and i got a text that night saying "i guess you arent coming over" I told her i was sorry, and she said that i should have called cuz she was supposed to help her mom with something but she waited around for me all day instead. i told her i felt horrible and that i was really sorry, but that she could have called me and asked that way she didnt have to wait around.......she hasnt text me or talked to me since..... i know we will get over it but i just dont know where to go from here. I sent her a sorry E-card and im sorry comments on her myspace and a letter too.....what else should i do?
1 response
• United States
7 Jun 07
Time heals all things. Just give it time. I'm sure she will come around soon.
• United States
7 Jun 07
thank you so much for your support!