Have you tried the Ultimate Wealth Package?

United States
June 8, 2007 10:47am CST
I am currently trying out this program. Now with the initial page I didn't see much activity, but I am working with a mentor that will call me once a week to help me with my webiste. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this and what they thought..
2 responses
@marie23 (37)
• South Korea
29 Aug 07
your post about ultimate wealth package was posted 3 months ago, im just curious how was your earnings now? are you really earning from ultimate wealth package? i asked, because im interested to know if it really works.thanks
• United States
2 Sep 07
to be honest, I didn't stay with that program...but through that I have been working with some people on a website. I found that the website they gave you was too general and you could only have three products to show and sell. But when I purchased the package, I got a call from someone who is helping me with my own website.
@rabanesd (284)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I haven't tried it, but if you're interested in other programs too, you can check out my site and maybe you'll find some good sites for you. http://rabanesd.tripod.com Good luck with that program.