brat kid

United States
October 23, 2006 6:54pm CST
i have a 15 year-old son and he's driving me insane!!!!he does the most annoying things am i wrong for sometimes feeling like i can't stand him?
3 responses
• United States
25 Oct 06
u shouldnt feel bad for u not being able to stand hime sometimes. he is in the teenage years, i was a difficult teenager as well, and i have a 2 year old and sometimes i cant stand her as well so dont feel bad.
• United States
25 Oct 06
I am sure my parents said the same thing about me when I was that age. You think you know it all and you don't. He will realize that someday! It comes with the age.
• United States
25 Oct 06
Of course you're not wrong for feeling that way! Every mother feels that at some point or another-ESPECIALLY the teenage years;) Just because you're annoyed doesn't mean you don't love him with all your heart and just because you love him with all your heart doesn't mean you won't feel like he's driving you insane-hahaha! Mothers are still human;) 15 year olds can be EXTREMELY trying for parents (I remember when I was 15-I'm genuinely surprised that my parents did NOT sell me into slave trade). My advice: Try to be as patient as you possibly can be and when you do feel that unbelievable frustration, take a step outside, take some deep breaths and try to remember how you felt at the age of 15. If you can recall, you were probably trying to figure out who you were/where you were going/what you wanted/WHO you wanted/and many more confusing things that teenagers face. And let me know how it's going when you can! Good luck;)