A new symbol for America

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
June 10, 2007 4:14pm CST
For a long time our national symbol has been the bald eagle, but that just doesn't fit anymore. I am proposing that we change the national symbol to Porky Pig. America spends so much money on pork barrel spending, and welfare programs that the American government actually looks like a sow. Now I know what you are saying porky pig is a male work with me I am trying to make a point. We spend 65% of the federal budget on give away's. Take for instance social security if we are not willing to act fast, we will be saying "Bedep, bedep, bedep... th...th..that's all folks". If we don't start cutting spending now, eventually our government will have say in the future, "Bedep, bedep, bedep... th...th..that's all folks". How can all the Dems. keep proposing new spending bills? Hillary, Edwards, and Obama all have government paid health care. Do these people not understand basic economics? You can't spend more than you have, and you can't raise taxes to produce more revenue. Taxes are actually counter productive. The only way to boost revenue is to actually increase the economy. The easiest way to run a budget surplus is to kill the pig.
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11 responses
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
11 Jun 07
Bush talks a lot like Mr. Porky, doesn't he? LOL I am a pig collector, so this is classic. Here you have stated, "You can't spend more than you have." But the government has been doing that for DECADES or maybe centuries. The result is the National Deficit!! I don't think we want a pig for a president though. Once he gets important, it will drive up the PRICE OF PORK!!
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
11 Jun 07
hog heaven - pigs rock!
kewl, let's be friends!!
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Hey ther Kbkbooks I love pigs also and I say Porky is the man. I also collect them too, I have maybe ove 500+ the last time I counted them. I LOVE PIGS!
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
10 Jun 07
The Dems will raise taxes to support their socialistic "help all poor people" programs to get votes for the next elections. They will take from the middle class and the rich to bail out the poor. Only problem is that this fix never works. How can you spend money you don't have? Simple, it is the government and they can do whatever they want because they are accountable to no one. They simply postphone the coming day of reckoning when the US explodes into a mega depression unlike anything man has ever seen. Porkey Pig it is!
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
10 Jun 07
you.oviously.didn't.take.history...There.have.veen. several.serious.depressions.in.history.and.every.one. of.them.was.survived.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
10 Jun 07
none,of.them.were.caused.vy.free.health.care.and.welfare. vy.the.way,.ut.vy.greed.and.from.people.purchasing.everything.on.credit
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jun 07
I like your Porky Pig analogy, but the Bald Eagle still works... What do bald eagles do? They fly above the great unwashed looking down on all it surveys (just like Congress). When they see something they want to consume, they just swoop down and pick it from the field, forest or water. They leave their droppings, feathers and whatever else they are done with wherever they feel like dropping it... on whatever happens to be beneath them. ;~D
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jun 07
Thnx for the "best reponse!"
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
10 Jun 07
Actually.its.proved.in.other.less-greedy.countries.that.social. spending.actually.increases.the.work.force,and.productivity. of.the.people.working.goes.up...When.medical.care.is.free,.or.at. least.cheap,.they.go.to.the.doctor.when.disease.starts.instead. of.waiting.until.they.have.to.get.hospitalized.therefore. spending.fewer.sick.days.and.staying.healthier... If.Americans.stopped.looking.out.for.only.themselves.and. tried.helping.the.whole.community,.people.would.live.longer,. more.productive.happier.lives..Don't.velieve.me!.Check.out.which. countries.are.highest.on.the.list.of.good.places.to.live... The.top.10.all.have.strong.social.nets.and.higher.taxes.than. America...And.most.importantly.NO.ONE.IS.COMPLAINING. aout.high.taxes.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
10 Jun 07
Oh,and,here,.in.Canada,.our.tax.rate.is.currently.around.52.percent. and.people.go.to.the.doctor.when.they.develop.an.infectious.disease. instead.of.to.work.and.spreading.it.around..
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I always liked the eagle symbol of America, but the little pig would do fine too. Funny and cute... Well about all these elections, we will see what will happen heh? My biggest issue with this great country is the health care system. I lived in Canada for 4 years and I also got my citizenship there. Their healthcare system is not perfect but I think it's better than here. Because of this issue my husband (who is American) might consider moving to Canada or Europe when we are older. Medication cost a lot more here than in Europe. Dentists, doctors are very expensive... I don't have the right to vote here yet but if I had that right I would vote for someone who is capable of resolving this problem. I might be wrong on some points... Take care gewcew.
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@abrarr (1246)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 07
i think tehy are acting on your advice of "Bedep, bedep, bedep... th...th..that's all folks", but they are doing for no advice anymore, they don't need advices actually. they think they r the geniuses adn fools always think they r geniuses.
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Well lets not kill any pigs there Gewcew23, the pigs have nothing to do with it. But Porky Pig would be a good National symbol I think. Maybe he should run for President. LOL
@student7 (1002)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I agree with you on the new symbol for America and while we are changing our national symbol, why do we change our anthem to the Looney Tunes theme. I find it fitting when Porky does his "Bedep Bedep Bedep...th...th...that's all folks"
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@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 07
If you love your country then dont think of this symbol as the whole Muslim World will be cut off from your Country and if this is your wish good try. The worst part is God will, wiil be very nasty because Jesus Christ is Muslims Prophet Isa (PBUH) he forbid this meat. You will be not called Americans but by the symbols which you want to give. Does it sound goods.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jun 07
Nice oxymoron! While it's true that Jesus was a prophet to the Muslims, no one in Islam would call any prophet "Christ". OBUY (Oops Be Unto You) :~D
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• Pakistan
12 Jun 07
Oh God we are all yours including the Prophets, please forgive those who are innocent and they can use any words against anybody they wish.
• United States
11 Jun 07
the eagle is staying for life
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Amen, my brother!
• United States
11 Jun 07
I think we should use Paris Hilton as the new republican symbol. She spends money on herself and is clueless to the overall society. BTW. It is not spending on health and welfare of the nation that is going to bring us down as a nation. It is US's dependence on cheap fossil fuel that will eventually lead to its downfall. Oil has peaked and is starting a decline. There is not enough oil in the world to fuel the American monster machine for very much longer. The party is over folks.