Hangover, anyone?

@Fulton (219)
South Africa
June 11, 2007 3:19am CST
My hubby took me out yesterday to celebrate our 5th aniversary. Now I'm sitting at work with a bit of a hangover, must have been those two tequilas I had. So I thought maybe I'm not the only one who feels sickly this morning! What works the best for a hangover?
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1 response
@mummymo (23706)
11 Jun 07
not drinking the night before? lol sorry couldn't help myself there! I remember that feeling although it has been a while cos of the medication I have been taking! I used to swear by tomato juice - any fluid helps cos the hangover is caused by dehydration, so replacing fluids and maybe a couple of paracetomol? I hope you had a fantastic anniversary and I must say if you only had a couple of tequilas you are a better person than I? lol xxx
@mummymo (23706)
11 Jun 07
See that is the difference - milk would make me sick with a hangover! Funny if I drink Bloody Marys I never get a hangover! lol Glad you had a good anniversary and that you are beginning to shake off that horrid hangover! xxx