How long does it take you !?

June 11, 2007 1:31pm CST
How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings? Girls;Ladies: sure we take long to get ready but,, it takes a long time to look as good as you do right? { it takes me 45 mins to an hour. thats not bad but thats when i wake up late:|*}
3 responses
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
It does not take me long at all to go from shower to front door..about 20-25 minutes....I wear short hair that is naturally alittle gel and it is eye brow pencil, a little mascara, and lipstick...done!! It takes my husband twice that long though....he has longer hair down the middle of his back...he grooms it well and it always looks great we are going somewhere....LOL Good topic, my new friend....
@amjada (379)
11 Jun 07
How long does it takes,good view: Yes ladies do take hour,s. Why, I do need to now.
@maehan (1439)
• United States
11 Jun 07
It takes me 1 hour to get ready. I wake up at 6am to prepare breakfast, lunchbox (2 dishes and rice or sandwiches), shower before I wake everybody up to wash before having breakfast.