how long does it take you to trust someone?

June 18, 2007 12:06pm CST
for me i have to get to know them. usally people who have known them long tell me. i think that when someone breaks that trust you can never get it back. I really trusted my friend but she seamed like she didn't even want to be my friend. its all fine now. we are3 really tight and i am happy to have a friend like her. Today is a new day and we are saying everything to eachother and be honest! :)
2 responses
• Canada
19 Jun 07
it takes me a while to trust people now because i've gotten lied to over and Over again and i dont know if i should trust them again or what? so, i just find it kinda hard to trust someone new or old , so yeaah it would take a while, a Long while :|
@KaseyLah (142)
• Canada
18 Jun 07
s3x braclets