in further discussion to mylot money making

@l_xin80 (109)
June 19, 2007 9:39am CST
thanks for everyone who participated in my discussion for my query on how to make the most of Mylot, i have some further questions regarding how to earn better money than gaining a few cents everyday, sounds a bit pathetic but i believe this is just the case for many new starters and believe you me, i am just one of them. some people mentioned your earning is calculated and based on the quality of the discussion you posted, not quantity? if so how's this quality measured? in terms of number of words in each discussion? i believe the number of response also count but not too sure this is the case all the time, remember last week, i got quite a few responses for one particular discussion i posted while i don't think my earnings were taken into account, or at least not at that single time. i understand you get paid for 10% of your referalls, while don't suppose you gain any money if you referalls don't posted anything! apparently i am fairly new in here and not too sure what to do, if you have any valuable suggestions, experience and opinions, i do appreciate if you could share it! thank you
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1 response
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
You know what before I earned for about $5 in just one day and that was my highest pay but now I cant really reach it for it is really hard now adays to post here and earn that much because Mylot change their algorithms.