Do you live near the beach? If so what is it like?

@maximax8 (31046)
United Kingdom
June 19, 2007 11:15am CST
I live within a few miles of a long sandy beach. It has a village at one end with a tiny church on a hillside. It extends to huge sand dunes further along. There is a stunning view over to a piece of land that sticks out to sea. It is green and hilly. The beach overlooks the town with building along the sea front. Behind this is green woodland. There is a fancy pier with all sorts of amusements and a old rickety pier just round the bay.
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19 responses
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
19 Jun 07
I also live close to many beaches. The one i usually go to is in a gorgeous place. You drive down the road, and you pass across a very dense pine forest that it's just next to the sand, part of which is a natural park. once you leave the trees behind, you can keep driving forward, so that you reach the bigger beach, full of dunes and the end of a river altogether. If you turn to the right you go to the smaller beach, which is where i normally go to. Lots of surfers there, nice waves. I love this place!
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@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
20 Jun 07
That sounds a lovely place for a stroll. I find it quite exciting to watch surfers ride the high white waves. I guess that the area is very unspoilt. Thanks for your lovely response.
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
20 Jun 07
Yeah the place is awesome for a stroll, also for a swim, and of course for surfing. The only thing you gotta be careful with is the's strong in that beach, so if you're not a really skillful swimmer, or have small kids, better watch out.
@Mickie30 (2626)
19 Jun 07
Yes I live in a place called Blackpool in the UK. I get fed up with all the holiday makers because mostly it attracts hen nights and stag parties. Men parade in their next to nothing and there are lots of fights. There are lots of drinking places and night clubs. The beach is nice but not very clean and I wouldn't swim in the sea. It gets very cold in the winter because we are near the coast and it doesn't get much hot weather in the summer. I missed it when I moved away, I've lived here since the age of 2 so it's my home, but I don't really like living here. There are not many jobs although a lot of seasonal jobs.
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@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
20 Jun 07
My ex-boyfriend came from Preston and we used to enjoy a stroll around Blackpool sometimes. The best time of year was when we saw all the illuminations. They were such bright and colourful lights along the sea front. We didn't really like seeing the rowdy people getting drunk and flighting on the streets though. It is a shame that many of the jobs there are seasonal. We liked Lytham St Anne's most of all. We enjoyed walking around Fairhaven lake and seeing the picturesque old windmill by the sea. We visited the bird centre and liked to watch the bird life around the lake. Thanks for your superb response.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
We have quite a few beaches near us, they are only about a 5 minute drive away. My favourite one is where we can go riding on our ATV's on the beach you can also go 4WD ing , buggying and horse riding, the sand goes for miles its a massive beach you could ride all day and maybe see another person, so its not crowded.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
Thanks for the Best Response...
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
20 Jun 07
That sounds like you do some very exciting activities. Beaches in the UK can get crowded. Australian beaches are so fantastic with all the space and so few people.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
your place is very endearing and i can tell its good for nature lovers. ^__^ i don't live near a beach but i live near a lake. its the largest lake here in our country and experts say its a dying lake. i don't believe it though because a lot of fishes are still caught from there. i have a lot of relatives who depends on fishing as their primary income. during weekend mornings i would go there in the lake shore and just smell the fresh breeze and watch fishermen unload their fish catch. my cousins and other women would sort out the fishes and they would either go houses to houses and sell it or take the fishes to the market. i would also see some old men standing on waist-deep level in the lake holding their fishing rods and waiting for a bite. a couple of kids would be playing along the shore and some would be taking a bath in the lake. ^__^
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 07
Lakes can be beautiful places like coastal beaches. The water can be cool and quite refreshing hey. I like the lakes of Austria near to the pretty city of Salzburg. When I went there one time it was winter. I walked across a frozen lake.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Sep 07
WOw, after reading ur post, my urge to live near Sea is becoming intense. Unfortunately the nearest beach we have is about 1200 Km away from it. Well some day i might be enjoying it take care and enjoy
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 07
I hope you move to live at the seaside one day. Hopefully you other lovely places near where you currently live. Take care.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
13 Sep 07
Well thanks, sure we do have rivers and few lakes with in one hour distance drive, and more over the belt we live in fa mous for the rice quality and production all over the world so we have lot of vast field and its really fun to see vast field plannted with rice till its cutting, and to see ripe wheat plant, golden in color is not bad and what a scene when u see vast yellow fields of mustard plant, its lovely nature is so generous that it bestowed u with some of beatuties, so every body has some thing lovely around them.
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
29 Nov 07
I live near the beach and it is great. During the summer a lot of tourist come so I can practice my English and meet a lot of people.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
30 Nov 07
It is superb that you live so near the beach. I must be so lovely to go there on a warm day and practice your English with the many tourists.
@runsgame (2031)
• India
17 Sep 07
before my marriage i live near the beach . my house was just 2 km away from the beach and daily i used to go beach and enjoy the beauties of nature . thanks to god for those day s
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 07
2km was so very near the beach. It is great that you could go there whenever you wanted to.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 07
I live near a coastal area. It takes about 15 minutes to drive there. The part of the coastal area near my place has no sandy beach instead we find lots of swampy lands fringing with thick mangrove trees. The trees are used for protecting the coastal land and as wood for making charcoals. There is a large fishing village there which is famous for marine products. The nearest sandy beach is about 50 km away from my place. The beach there is quite natural but undeveloped so we find less pollution there. We used to visit there when my kids were small.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I see you live in Malaysia. I have been there and think it is a very beautiful country. I also like undeveloped beaches with less damage. I I have seen mangroves in Australia with a notice saying about crocodiles swimming there.
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@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I live right by the Great Lakes so there a beaches all around my state. However, i rarely if ever go. I used to go to metro beach when I was younger but its really dirty. If i go upstate during the summer, i will go to the beaches up there, on Lake Michigan.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 07
Yes, it a shame to see dirty beaches and understand that this can put you off going to them. The Great Lakes must be very beautiful.
• United States
3 Aug 07
I used to live close to the Pacific Ocean in California and I dearly loved it. Now I live in the midwest of the U.S. and no more ocean! But we have the mighty Mississippi River and two lakes in town so we have lots of water. We go boating every week on the river - I love it. Our area is also very hilly and we live in the heart of the valley between the two lakes and the river.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I have seen the Pacific Ocean in California and think it is beautiful. Boating in your local river sound great fun.
@nancyrowina (3850)
8 Sep 07
I live on the Isle of wight in one of the towns by the sea we have a pier but there's nothing on it except the ferry terminal. I feel lucky to live so close to the sea but the downside is being over run with tourists in the summer. There are nice views and you can get some great photo's if you're there at the right time.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I really like the Isle of Wight. I think piers often have a great atmosphere and scenic views. Yes, we are lucky to live to close to the sea.
@icon_001 (584)
• India
9 Sep 07
Hi, I stay far from beaches.In fact it is a kind of landlocked region where I live.But there are some rivers and lakes in the vicinity. But I have been to beaches at a few places in India .
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I live near a river too. I have heard that India has some really gorgeous looking beaches. You will soon reach 100 discussions. Well done.
8 Sep 07
At the moment I live about 15 minutes drive from the beach in NW England. Soon I will be moving to a coastal town, so I will be able to enjoy walks on the beach whatever the weather! Really, even if it's gale force wind and snowing that's ok, just means I will have the beach to myself... I have lived by the coast at various times in my life and to me it is the perfect place to be.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I agree that living by the coast can be so perfect. I also enjoy walks along it, no matter the weather. Even in a thunder storm it is fun hey.
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
9 Sep 07
Sorry, I live far away from any beach so I can't describe how it looks like.But I do live in a beautiful country side.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
I am sorry that you live so far from the beach. I hope you go there one day soon. It sounds like you really like beautiful countryside. So do I. Thanks for your reply.
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Since, I live in a tropical country like Philippines, I have the privilege to see and experience beautiful and amazing views of different kind of beaches,our country comprises of 7,100 plus island and you could imagine how many beaches we have, maybe there are still untouch beaches to explore here. From white fine sands of Boracay to other brown sands and even black sand beaches. To tell you frankly until now there are still many beautiful beaches here that we like to see. We can compare our beaches here to world class beaches around the world like in Phuket Thailand and Bali Indonesia. We have a vast and long white sand beaches, with beautiful array of coconut trees, mountain range all that you can imagine we have it..
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
20 Jun 07
You live close to my favourite sort of beaches, ones with golden sand and waving palm trees. I love tropical places and adore island hopping. I hope to visit the beautiful Philippines one day.
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
there is this place, out of town, 2 hours away from my city, and my mom is one of the inheritor of this place, it is a mangrove with beach on it, but their home is situated near a mangrove, and all i can say is that the feeling is really peaceful, the air so natural that you just love it!
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 07
I like to see mangroves as well. I have seen them in Northern Queensland in Australia.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Jul 07
The closet I live to the beach would be about a 15 minute drive. We have many beautiful beaches in Adelaide. Not all of them are safge to swim in. The kids just adore going to the beach. They love the surf, & mucking around in the sand. We even bought a small boat last summer to use at the beach. The beachj & viillage you describe, sounds very much like the one where I recently had a holiday at Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 07
Yes, I really enjoyed reading about and seeing the pictures of your Kangaroo Island holiday. It is lovely that you live so close to the beach. Playing around in the sun can be great fun.
@subathra (3519)
• India
27 Jul 07
I hope you live near a very good site.I dont live near beach and its of 40 -50 minutes travel for me.But i love beaches and would like to play in the sea water and visit the beach very often with my friends. i like to sit there and watch people and small children.Our beach is called " marina" and its the second longest beach in the world.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
Wow!The beach is the second longest in the world. If I lived there I think I would enjoy being there with my friends too.
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
20 Jul 07
Unfortunately we don't live in near the beach. We have a river, but it's not suitable to swim there. It seems it's for business use only. If we have to go to the beach, we will go to another city or province.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 07
I also live near a river, dogs swim there sometimes but it is not deep enough enough for people. How long does it take you to get to your nearest beach?