Messages in life, do you hear them?

@KatieS (503)
United States
June 22, 2007 11:14pm CST
There's a certain church I drive by about 1-2 times a week and they have messages on their sign. This week it reads: The formula for failure-try to please everyone. Isn't that the truth. My husband came home from work today, he had obviously seen it, and said "my problem is trying to please everyone, I need to quit that." Do you all get messages from these sorts of things?
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3 responses
@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
23 Jun 07
That is a very uplifting and powerful quote. I think I needed to read that myself tonight! I have been busy all week for everyone and have not really had a break for myself. Tonight i decided that it's 'me' night since my son went to bed, and so far i'm enjoying it, but am already getting tired. So much for that. haha! I do get messages in life at times though, and I like reading into them and 'following' them.
@KatieS (503)
• United States
23 Jun 07
It usually works that way, once you get that time for yourself. Yeah, I believe that's part of witnessing for God, you should get something out of it or we are just lost. Good guidance, thanks for the response before you head off to beddybye. Sweet Dreams!
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Yes, I do read these messages that churches have posted on their signs. Sometimes they hit home. There is one church that I go by, and they have two different messages on their sign, it just depends on what direction you are going to see what the message says.
@KatieS (503)
• United States
23 Jun 07
This church has two different messages too. The other side said to honor your father here as you honor your father in heaven, or something like that. A father's day message anyway. Thanks for responding terri!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Jul 07
Yes, I pay attention to "signs" and messages as well. They aren't always on the marquis at churches. I try to earn from everything. I try to teach my kids to do the same (I'm not sure how well that is working). Many times when I pick up a book, it amazes me how much it is reflecting something that I am dealing with at that particular time in my life. I read a book called "Conversations with God". In it, it talks about how there are messages just about every where we look. I'm not a religious fanatic by any means, but I do try to pay attention. Regarding the message you specifically mentioned...That was in so true. Although I try to take care of those I love, I realize that no matter how much you do for some people, they will always want more. You just need to do what you can within reason and be satisfied with that. If the people in your life can't appreciate what you are doing for them, it it for lack of their gratitude, not for lack of what you are doing. Take care.