i have a question...

June 23, 2007 6:53am CST
what is the payment of mylot per discussions ported or responded..i have participated 92 times but i just earned 52 cents!
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4 responses
• India
23 Jun 07
it depends on the quality of response you post and they calculate it according to their terms,there is no written rule as such how much you will get to write one post,it depends on which type of discussions you participate in.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Jun 07
I think you will find you will earn a little more if you extend your dicussions a little maybe to about 4 lines, I am sure this will help you a little, I hope you get a little more in the future...
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
23 Jun 07
It depends upon individuals. You got approximately half a cent per post. They pay 1 cent to 5 cents per post. You are doing some mistake some where. I will give you few to tips to earn better. Don't post and respond discussion of one liner. whenever you respond your answer with four lines that to quality responses. Tag whenever you are asked to tag. At least comment once on the responses you get for your discussion. Be friendly with your responses. Go through mylot guidelines and read throughly.
@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
23 Jun 07
It was with me the same way as with you. But the more I replied the higher my earnings became. Around 500 posts I actually did get 1 cent for a post. You will have to post and be a bit patient. We have to make quality posts that are meaningful and have at least four to five lines. If the post is even longer you might get a bit more, too. Your discussions will have to have answers in order to get a penny. If nobody answers you do not get a penny. Greetings and happy mylotting.