Do you use your car air conditioner?

My last greatgrandchild. - She is a doll.
@jezzmay (1845)
United States
June 25, 2007 2:35pm CST
With todays prices of gas.Do think your car uses more gas with the airconditioner on?Do you run it anyway?I am not running mine yet,but I believe if it gets to hot I would run it anyway.What about you?
2 responses
• Portugal
26 Jun 07
I think that it's the same... The gas price is high but the temperature is also high :) Global Warming
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Yes,they say global warming is a lot of our problem.I do not know a lot about that.I do know when it is to hot I need some air.Thanks for answering.
• United States
25 Jun 07
They posed this question on the show Myth Busters not too long ago. Does a car use more gas with the air conditioner running? I found it interesting that the myth was busted. A car uses virtually the same amount of gas while driving around town with or without the AC running. The shocker was, at highway speeds your vehicle actually uses less gas if the windows are shut and the AC is running! The reason being that if you have the windows open, the air rushing into the car actually works to slow your car down so you have to use more gas to keep your speed. However if your windows are up, air goes around the vehicle and doesn't fight the air currents so much. I decided to test this air current theory myself. I took my SUV out on a country road and rolled my windows down. I got up to 50 mph and let off the gas and timed how long it took to slow my car down to 30 mph. It took 12 seconds. Then I rolled the windows up and did the same thing. This time it took 16 seconds. So it is true, the air rushing in to your car definitely slows it down. The difference wasn't drastic but at todays prices I'll roll the windows up and turn on the air.
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I did not know that,thanks for the information.I have a SUV too,I need to do everything I can to save on gas.Thanks again.