Global warming in the Bible

United States
June 26, 2007 12:42pm CST
The more I read about end times in the Bible, and the more I hear about it on the news. Seems I am seeing more things alike. Its almost like the Bible is the one the is making up the news.
2 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Okay..I don't know which passage of the Bible you're referring to, so I can't comment on that. But Global warming is a myth..our weather hasn't been affecting by anything we've done. The weather of our planet cycles. We have the weather we did at a certain timeline in our past..I forget which timeline it was..but the facts are, our planet goes through cycles. We had this weather thousands of years ago, and we now have it again..a few years from now it'll be completely different. Our planet IS suffering from things we do though. Weather just isn't a sign of it. So many endangered species..a few species are now exctinct because of us. We're slowly killing plantlife, and things which sustain plant life..and we need plants to breath AND eat. And if we keep polluting and killing our planet..yes, we WILL all die. But there is no such thing as global warming. Research it, warming is the biggest media/government endorsed lie ever. Or one of them anyway..'taxes were never supposed to be temporary' is another one.
• Canada
27 Jun 07
WOW. GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING. every scientist agrees with this. there is no debate. period. the DEBATE is on whether or not its man made! not whether or not its happening!! so by saying "global warming is a myth" you are devaluing your own education on this subject. please READ and see what the debate is about.
• Canada
27 Jun 07
the weather cycle that you are talking about DOES happen every so often, but not this fast, and not at this rate.
@mauial (29)
• United States
27 Jun 07
The fact is since the industrial revolution's wheels began turning, mankind has been ruining the environment and if nothing is done, it's all over for life on this earth. Does the solution lie with man? I think not! The Bible promises at Revelation 11:17,18 that there will be a time when God will take control of matters once again and "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." Isaiah 45:18 God formed the "earth to be inhabited," so he will not let man ruin it totally.