Please help!

July 1, 2007 12:06am CST
i have a terrorprofessor in my english subject ..he was a gay and he has a bad..attitude.dunno what to do! im afraid of him!
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5 responses
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Why exactly are you afraid? There's very little anyone on this earth can really do to harm you (legally anyway, lol), so why fear? Even if he does scare you, don't let him know it. Professors are human, and it's human nature to prey on a perceived weakness. Chin in, chest out, and work your *ss off. The only way to keep from being afraid is to demand and keep his respect. Blessed Be
@Coolgeth (1215)
• India
1 Jul 07
Hi myounghee!! Dont care about these kind of proffessors..MyLot is also a best tool to improve your comm skills..Stay here for a long time..Work hard study well you can be successive..All the best take care!!Happy Postings!!
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
1 Jul 07
i think you need to practise your english more so he wont be barking at you. and mylot can help you with that by starting annd responding od discussion. you youngsters need to study hard its for your own future.
@maiax2k6 (535)
• Philippines
1 Jul 07
it can be a major pressure with studies having to deal with different kinds of professors, and especially with difficult-terror ones, it's just becomes harder. the thing is you just have to be prepared at all times for his class especially. study, double your effort, and try to make a good impression by participating in the discussion and making good with your written reports. the teachers can always tell who is trying hard at making good and not just taking for granted his subjects. don't be late (even if he is), and don't be sloppy with your works. sometimes it can insult the teachers to know that you are just attending his class for a shallow reason and not for in-depth learning. sometimes, we're just become helpless with bad attitude teachers. if it gets to be so bad that your student's rights are trampled, you can i think file a complaint if your issues are vbalid. teachers are supposed to be careful with his work too becuase they are periodically evaluated. and this evaluation is basis for their retention in school. good luck!
@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
1 Jul 07
I guess you just have to study hard. It doesn't matter who your professor is. As long as you study hard, I know you will pass his subject. Good luck!