Is there anyone who wants to start a career...

United States
July 2, 2007 1:09pm CST
I'm sure we've all entertained at one time or other in our lives the idea of being in the movies, tv or in print photos. Most of us have probably dismissed those thoughts with an answering thought of "I'm not good enough for that." It's time to re-entertain those thoughts. With the advent of the internet and all the new related media types, the demand for actresses, actors and models is greater then ever before. The popularity of "Reality Shows" opens up the world to every real person. With thousands of new independenet film makers trying to get noticed on places like YouTube, MyLot and MySpace there are tens of thousands of castings available for inexperienced actors and actresses. So, what do you think? Are you ready to bring your dreams into reality? Tell me more about what you would like to do to fulfill a dream.
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