Do you wash yopur hands before you eat???

@mymytri (2030)
July 3, 2007 6:39am CST
I know most of the mylotters wash their hands before they eat their breakfast,lunch and dinner but wht am asking you wash your hands every time you eat like eating snacks,fruits....sometimes i will have snacks or fruits while mylotting and surfing the web but forget to wash my hands.Is this right?I know this is not good for health and wanna change this.. Do you do the same??? And what do you use to wash your hands??? Medical Soap..Liquid Soap..or plain water to wash your hands before you eat??
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59 responses
@Lucille7 (509)
• South Africa
3 Jul 07
I do not wash my hands every single time that I eat or snack. For example I do not wash my hands before I eat breakfast because then I have just had my shower. I wash my hands each time after using the bathroom. If I have a snack at my desk then I do not wash my hands first. However, if I am working in the garage or the garden and I want to eat lunch then I will wash my hands. So it all depends. But I am not a fanatic about it...
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
Hi Lucille..We are as much alike..I see some dust on my desk and keyboard even i clean it everyday becoz it is close to windows.I am lazy to go out and wash my hands before i have a snack or fruit at my desk.i wanna change this..
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@Lucille7 (509)
• South Africa
3 Jul 07
No! I am not bothered about changing this. I have been doing it all my life and I am certainly not going to clutter my life even more with this little thing of washing my hands before I touch food. Really! I think there are more important things to worry about in this life than making sure my hands are clean every minute of the day in case I want to have a snack... No ways man!
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
Ha!!HA!!!LOL you are very interesting.Happy mylotting
• India
3 Jul 07
Hey , your are right that it is essentail to wash hands before every meal. If we do this we avoid milions of germ from entering our body. So befoe a meal I definitely wash hands. When in come tosnacks , as you say , I skip if i am surfing. I dont forget , i feel lazy. But I try to improve and now a days I make an attepmt to overcome my laziness and wash hands before I have any food. I use plain water most of the times. I make sure that I get out of all the dirt from my hand. I use liqiud hand wash soaps when I feel my hand is dirty enough that water wash wont suffice. Happy posting !!!
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• India
3 Jul 07
If health is your priorities, then its natural that I keep my hands clean !!! :)
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi praveen kumar.So you started taking care of..nice..ok :-)
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
Hello mymytri. I normally start mylotting by the end of the day. That means finishing all the task at hand and kicking everyone to bed. Its really not my habit to pop in some snack while pounding on my keyboard. I actually avoid washing my hands especially after spending an hour or two on the computer. Our hands are already tired from typing and washing our hands in-between typing is not advisable. It can cause further serious complication in the future.
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
Hi charms.I do mylotting at the morning and sometimes afternoons.I have the habit of eating in between LOL.But no probs u r mylotting at night.No need wash your hands :-)
@navtech (1773)
• India
3 Jul 07
Hi mymytri, I definitely wash my hand before eating food whether breakfast, lunch or dinner. In case I eat in the afternoon anything at that time also I wash my hand. While I eat snacks I wash my hand after eating it. I used to keep my hands always clean. In case I come from outside I will wash my leg, hands and face. In case I do not do this I would feel comfortable till I wash my legs, hands and face. I use only plain water for washing my hand. In case I feel my hands need to be wash with soap then I use the soap.
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi are good taking care of yourself.keep continue.hey i didnt receive you PM abt paypal.:(
@xuliwei (260)
• China
3 Jul 07
Yes.I have had this habit since I was very young.I will wash my hands first no matter what I will eat or I will feel nauseated.There are many dirty things and germs on our hand.
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi xuliwei.You have good habit..keep it continue :-)
@xuliwei (260)
• China
7 Jul 07
Thank you friend!^-^
• Brazil
4 Jul 07
yeaaaaaaah i dont wash o.O" i mean, to dinner and lunch i do, but to other stuffs i dont :( what a lame -.-
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• Australia
4 Jul 07
LOL! i dont even wash for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Oh well, everyone is different about their hygiene. Oh just a note, i have been having alot of "Brunches" lately since it is the holidays over here in Australia, (Brunch = Lunch + Breakfast combined together)
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Jul 07
i am sorry to say that i don't all the time i eat. while snacking at office or outside home i mostly go fordry food like burgers hotdogs, pizzas, cakes, which i can manage with tissues. however, when at home, i ake sure, infact my mom make sure that i wash my hand with disinfectants. sometimes, i use hand care lotions when at work. thanx.
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
WEll mimipil.Atleast you are taking care at home,Moms are so good taking care of their children.isnt it..:)
@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
4 Jul 07
When I was younger, of course I didn't think many times to wash my hands before only snacking. But in the this day and age of mutating viruses, I feel the need to wash my hands before snacking as well as well as before meals. If I eat fruit, I wash the fruit too. I use soap, but since studies have shown anti-bacterial soaps are no different than regular soap, it doesn't matter which soap I use, just that I do indeed use it.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
3 Jul 07
I only wash my hands if I know I will be using my hands to eat. If it is at home, I automatically wash my hands when I wash my eating plate before I eat. If I eat outside, I do not have the habit of washing my hands first.
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi whyaskq..I too wash my plate before i eat....:-)
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi whyaskq..I too wash my plate before i eat....:-)
@keya2468 (289)
• India
3 Jul 07
Yes ofcourse I do that every time. I can't eat without washing my hands. my parents taught me this from my childhood. I think every people has to do that .it is hygenic for our health.I try to use medical soap for washing. but if I am not getting mecal soap at that situation then I wash my hands with soap.
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hey keya..nice..good habit :-)
• Singapore
3 Jul 07
Yes, I always make sure that I wash my hands before eating. I usually ensure that I use some soap as well to get rid of any kind of bacteria or dirt that might be on my hands since our hands touch so many different things throughout the day. This might otherwise be passed onto the food I touch and then I might consume them all. I feel that good hygiene is very important if one doesn't want to fall ill through bacteria that has been on our hands.
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi velvet..i agree with you..:-)
@sbksat (355)
• India
3 Jul 07
yes always. But only with plain water. But if you are after a hard day's work or play then washing with a medical soap would be a lot better..
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi sbksat.ok ;-)
• India
3 Jul 07
yea, i wash my hands before i eat, dont everyone, i mean i havnt seen anyone who doesnt do that!! LOL !!
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@navtech (1773)
• India
4 Jul 07
Hi, di 1 indilin, thank you for sharing your comments.
• Australia
4 Jul 07
Just thought i might add another interesting fact, Did you know: That the germs/bacteria on a person's hand almost doubles after going to the toilet, but up to half of men, and a quarter of women do NOT wash their hands after going to the toilet, how revolting! Also, the finger tips and the thumb areas are the parts of the hand which are most FREQUENTLY missed when washing hand! And during an illness such as flu or cold, you should wash your hands much more times than usually since the level of germs increase, the washing of hands protect not you, but the people around you, so dont be selfish and wash more times =D
@mymytri (2030)
• India
4 Jul 07
Hi minijumbuk!!thanks for adding another interesting fact and sharing your thoughts :D
• Australia
4 Jul 07
haha no problem... we are all trying to make myLot more exciting and interesting to discuss issues on =D
• India
3 Jul 07
usually yes. normal soap works for me
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
hi ayush..ok
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
3 Apr 08
I wash my hands evrything with soap and water before I eat anything. Even when I go out to eat I go to the restroom to wash my hands first.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
15 Apr 08
Yeah I do. I have a germ phobia and realise that there's germs just about on everything you touch. Even the keyboard is full of germs! I use any kind of soap tp wash my hands and if there's no soap available I'll use hot water. However I do think that we should expose ourselves to some germs to keep our immune system strong so I do like to mess around in the backyard with my cats and dig around in the garden. I just always feel nervous when it's time to put things in my mouth with my unwashed hands.
@Coolgeth (1215)
• India
3 Jul 07
Hi mymytri!! Nope i wont wash my hands all the time..When i have breakfast, Lunch or dinner i Just wash my hands with out using any soaps..Mostly my hands are so clean so there is no need of washing my hands all the time..:)
@mymytri (2030)
• India
3 Jul 07
Hi coolgeth.ok :)
@laurika (4532)
• United States
19 Nov 07
yes i do wash my hands all the time. Not only before the lunch , or snacks, but alo when I am cooking and I go for something to thr fridge I would wash my hand because there can be some bactrerials on the handle. But I am not sure if it is so good, since there are bad and good bactirias and with washing we kill the both. i am using just liquid soap for washing my hands and of course i wil dry them good.
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
when i ate with my father i often wash my hands before eatig 'coz his so meticulous, but if his not around im tierd of washing my hands in the faucet!just kidding but it's true....