The Women in Your life ...what do you think about this?

@ToriaT (102)
July 4, 2007 6:33pm CST
For all the Mylot Ladies out there... I recieved this in an email awhile back...i have been blessed that what is written has been true in my life ... it is Author Unknown...but here goes please tell me what you think... Time Passes... Life Happens ... Distance separates... children grow up... jobs come and go... love waxes and wanes... Men sometimes break our hearts... parents die... colleagues forget favors... Careers end... But... Sisters are there no matter what...time and miles are between you they melt away in need... A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach... when you have to walk that lonesome valley and you walk it by yourself...The women in your life will be on the valley's rim ...cheering you on...pulling for you...intervening on your behalf by praying for you... they will be there at valleys end with open arms...sometimes they will even break the rules and walk beside you...or come in and carry you out...Mothers, sisters,girlfriends,best friends,daughters and daughters -in -law,grannies nieces and cousins...all bless and enrich our lives...The world wouldnt be the same without women and either would i...when we began this journey called womanhood, we had no idea of the joys and sorrows life would throw our way...nor did we know how much we would need each other...Everyday we need each other still...Pass this on to the women that make Your life meaningful...I just did ...short and sweet... Twenty are more than 20 angels in this world... 10 are sleeping 9 are helping others and one is reading a chat board post at mylot ...god bless ToriaT
3 responses
• Nigeria
5 Jul 07
she is realy specia, loving and caring .she is also very good on bed
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Very inspirational piece. it points out all the love, efforts and dedication that every woman performs for her loved ones. I hope this will remind the men here at mylot to appreciate all the women who are part of their lives.
@jalbeos (1175)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. ~mar