being a good mom

July 5, 2007 12:36am CST
Hi mylotters. I have a son, 6 years old, he is quite clever but he hates to write and read school books.But he knows all his school subjects. I think its all lack of concentration.As he luvs to play all the time, i let him go for play for 1 hour in the evening, but after coming back to do school home works, he will not be normal.He will keep a long face.ONly after shouting at him or beating him, he will finish off all in 1 hour.This is a daily show in my house.I want to know whether all the kids are like that and why till i become devil he is not listening. I get depressed of shouting at him or beating him. How can i solve this.Wont a 6 year kid will have his own resposibility to do his school works ? If he is dull head, to be frank, i will leave him without studying.But i know he is very intelligent.Also he has a craze on drawing.But if i teach him to draw anything , he will not accept. How to be a good mom and at the same time to train him good in education? But in his sense a good mom is who nevers ask him anything about education.WIthout school books , he is a 100% good child.
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2 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Jul 07
No offence neel_annai, but shouting and beating him to do homework might not be the way to go (that is my opinion though). Ummmm he is only six years of age and still learning the very basics of writing and such so don't be too hard on him. My son will be turning 5 this month and will be starting kindergarten in sept. Writing is not his favorite either and he likes to paint and draw too and play as well. I try to find activities that we both can do together and ones that he might find enjoyable. Sitting down with him, going through his homework, giving him examples other than what is infront of you, talking openly and calmly, being patient, making it fun together, eventually he will begin to enjoy it. Have you actually sat down with him and talked to him about why he doesn't like to do it? maybe there is a reason why? maybe he is not ready? kids learn at their own pace and writing may not be a favorite of his at the moment. Talk to this teacher, find out how you can help at home, how you can make it more interesting and fun to learn. Good luck!
• India
6 Jul 07
My many times i have spoken to him softly.Iam the person who never even shout at my son till he was in Upper KG.Its all happened his dad went abroad on his work.He likes his dad at the same time very much afraid of him.He was discipline.I was soft to him and each and every matter i speak to him he takes advantage and doesnt obey me.Till i shout and beat he is not listening....Even i tried in his pace but that will not cover all his subjects homework. If i play and teach in his style, he is very shrewd that he will only play and elopes from the time it will be his dad is calling him daily and he is somewhat ok....he is not listening when i say softly or affectionately.....
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
5 Jul 07
I think that you should have him do his homework before going out to play. In this way, going to play can be an incentive to get him to do his homework.