what do you want in a new or used van or car

@bcc23488 (883)
July 5, 2007 9:18am CST
I'm wondering why people persist in buying and driving those big gas guzzlers? It costs over $100 to fill the tank, when you could get there in a Green car for way less money. Toyota builds a smaller van that gets 35-36 miles/ gal and is safe to drive.My Toyota van traveled 2000 miles on $160.00 worth of gas this spring.Thats a lot cheaper than flying! So what do you drive? Are you happy with the milage? What kind of car will you buy next?
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5 responses
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I drive a small car- It is great on gas- it costs about $35 to fill up depending on the price per gallon- it’s a 13 gallon tank- It’s a Chevy- There are times when I curse it- Like when I want to take our bikes downtown to ride- I can’t even begin to get them in the car- so we have to take the truck- so I say both have there own +’s.
@urbandekay (18278)
5 Jul 07
I already drive the most environmentally friendly of vehicles a Land Rover Defender 90 tdi, which runs on bio-diesel made from used vegetable oil all the best urban
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
9 Jul 07
Some people just like it big and that is why they do get those kind of cars. I am a simple person and I like to get a simple car, as long as it runs and will last for a long time, that is all that matter to me.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
9 Jul 07
Good gas mileage is one of my main concerns too. That and reliability are at the top of my list. Looks aren't important to me, although I wouldn't want a hideous car or van, lol.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 Jul 07
I prefer car than van. I think it is hard to drive big vehicles in the roads with traffics. Also, most big vehicles consumes more fuel than the small vehicles. It is also cheaper to buy small cars than the big cars. I think only if there are more people to travel should one buy a big vehicles otherwise can use smal lvehicles.