Should companies be allowed to their employers how to have their facial hair?

Man's razor - Be clean shaven or be fired!
@Amstardam (1348)
United States
July 5, 2007 4:35pm CST
There are quite a few companies that are very stric in their rules for employers. Does it really make a difference if you buy a TV from a man with a beard or one without? I don't think I would refuse to buy a TV because the the employee had a beard and his ears pierced. Heaven forbid that happen! Does it really matter what you look like as long as you're getting the job done right?
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5 responses
• Canada
5 Jul 07
I used to work in a store like that. I never really understood their reasoning. Either way I quit (not because of that) so now I am free to wander the streets with my facial hair...
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
8 Jul 07
good for you and your facial hair!! I love facial hair!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Jul 07
In a perfect world, Amstardam, it wouldn't matter if the person had a beard or not. However we do not live in a perfect world. We live in a world where if you work for a company-their company, their rules. That's just the way life is. In almost every aspect of life we have dress codes. This is not always a bad thing.
@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I agree it's not always a bad thing but I think a beard is such a small thing to throw a fuss about.
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• United States
12 Jul 07
My fiance has a job interview on Saturday at a restaurant, and I'm sure that on Friday night, I will have to convince him that he needs to shave off his goatee. He has been growing it since we moved, and he hates having to shave it off. I don't mind whether he has it or not, honestly. :) He's also got quite a few piercings, and I'm not sure what they will have to say about that. I think it's a lot more of an issue in food service than in sales, which makes some sense. There is a bit of a gender bias, though, as girls are usually allowed to get away with having multiple ear piercings, but a lot of people will look at my fiance's two holes in each earlobe (stretched piercings) and his industrial and freak out. I have two holes in each of my earlobes (lower pair stretched) and a cartilage piercing, and no one thinks twice about it.
@Sushicook (690)
• Sweden
5 Jul 07
I can understand why some companies doesn't want their employees to have facial piercings or weird hairdoes, but I don't see why a beard or ear piercings should be a problem. Some times a personal look can actually be good for business. I work as a demonstrator, and the few times that a customer has seen my tattoo they often stay longer and talk which gives me an opportunity to sell the products.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I think you're right about the tattoo. It makes you more approachable and laid back so people will feel comfortable asking questions. Also it depends on the area where you live. We live in the Seattle area where if you don't have a tattoo or peircings you're considered different. So I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't allow that here if EVERYONE has them.
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@trasauma (43)
• United States
5 Jul 07
My husband has always had a beard and does not look right without it. With that said I do think it depends on what job it is. For example my husband is a firefighter and just got hired onto a dept. and is only allowed to have a mustache for safety reasons, which I completely understand. I think the reason behind employers not allowing it is that it looks more professional but in my opinion that is subjective. To each their own.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I miss my husband's beard very much! He has to shave to work at his store. He's a manager, but it makes no difference everyone has to shave!
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