Do you treat him like a King or a Slave?

@IL2Knit (1141)
United States
July 5, 2007 11:05pm CST
I treat my husband Ed like the King he is in my eyes. I love doing things for him. I help him dress and I tie his shoes for him. I pick up after him and bring him anything he wants. I do what ever he wants me to do. He is the man and I'm proud to be his woman. NOW before you get upset he has also done these same things for me. When I was sick and dieing he cared for my every need. He did all the work. He washed me, dressed me. He kept me safe. Anything I ate or drank he brought to me. When I was sick and didn't wake up in time and my bed was wet he got up and dried me off and changed the sheets. He was standing guard over me day and night. Now I'm not so sick. I can do things again. Now I get to pay him back in the best way I know how. Yes he is my King and I am his Queen. :D
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5 responses
• India
6 Jul 07
You are a good and true wife, your hubby too. We see such proufound relationship seldom. This will increase your life as most important thing for a family is mental peace/satisfaction. Most of the wife and husband are quarreling on this and that matter. You are an example to such couples here who are not maintaining cordial relation. God bless you happy married life till last breath.
@IL2Knit (1141)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Oh thank you so much. God has really blessed us with each other.
@IL2Knit (1141)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Thank you so very much it is so nice to hear that. :)
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
6 Jul 07
So nice to hear that you are both king and queen to each other. This is the life that is worthy of. Enjoy your life as always.
1 person likes this
@IL2Knit (1141)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Thanks William. We do enjoy our life together. :)
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I treat my husband like an equal. We have mutual love and respect for each other. I would never even think about tieing his shoes unless he was unable for some reason. When I was sick, my husband also took extreme loving care of me. I think that is expected from a spouse.
• United States
6 Jul 07
How wonderful, I love to hear how much you and your husband love each other. You have what I consider a perfect marriage. IL2Knit please keep sharing your life's stories. I treat my husband as a king, he works six of the seven days of the week, on Sunday's that he is home I take him breakfast in bed. If he chooses to lay in bed all day I don't mind, the kids go play on the bed with him and talk about what's been going on. He has also cared for me when I have been sick.
@bhelle123 (290)
• Canada
6 Jul 07
i treat my husband as my big baby, but sometimes he is annoying too because he act like a baby. he always make a miss like my baby now its very hard for me to clean up the whole house because of my baby and my husband, therefore i said to myself that's its no good to treat him that way. i suffered.