Cats Or Dogs?

July 9, 2007 1:34pm CST
what you favorite cats or dogs? and why?
4 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
9 Jul 07
I like them both..Right now we have dogs..I have had dogs and cats at the same time years ago...We have an Akita, and a Boxer...I like calico cats..The tiger stripped ones are nice also...We had a tortoise shell cat also...
• Portugal
10 Jul 07
i like dogs but i dont have pets yet!
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I love both really. However, I like cats more, overall. It just seems easier to take care of cats and my dogs tend to get in more trouble, and don't like to listen very well, when I say no. So, cats, definitely.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
9 Jul 07
at this point i would have to say cats. i used to be more of a dog person. but it seems we can't find a dog that behaves as well as we want them too. cats are less maintence to, which is what i need with a new baby on the way.
• Portugal
20 Jul 07
nowadays i think i prefer cats, after all we now own a beautiful and smart female cat.