Money Matters

July 10, 2007 12:41am CST
Do everyone here feel that it's easier to spend money than to earn it? I'm a student and i work part time for extra cash. But it still seems like i feel so broke when it's nearing the month end. Plus, i dont go shopping often for stuff. What is the best way to save money?
1 response
@Leon35 (35)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
part your earnings 20, 80. Once you earn something let's say from your part time salary, immediately save 20% of it and learn to live with the remaining 80%. The 20% you save in a bank or in some other investment. Make a list of things you spend for everyday and try to fit it in with the remaining 80%. You can substitute some items for cheaper good enough quality things and stop spending for stuff that is nice to have but you really don't need. The list will help you decide. Just sharing you some tips I learned from a savings seminar