Weight Loss Competition - Thursday, July 12th

@racheld (840)
United States
July 12, 2007 8:18am CST
Howdy!! How did everyone do yesterday? I did pretty good. I had my step aerobics class last night and I worked my butt off. Well I should say the instructor worked my butt off!! :) I was sweating so much that my shirt was actually soaked. My calves hurt like no other this morning, but that just means I worked them to their max!! How did you guys do? Did you exercise?? What kind of exercises did you do?
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2 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Does chasing around 3 two yr olds while carring a 7 month old on my hip constitute exercise? If so , I exercised my butt off!
@racheld (840)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I would definitely say that counts as exercise!! :) I swear sometimes we burn more calories with our everyday activity then if we were actually working out at a gym!
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
12 Jul 07
Woke up this morning, stepped on the scales and I am back down to 210 lbs. I read somewhere that if I do intensive training, run for a short while, walk, run for a short while, walk it will be easier for me to lose that stubborn fat down below my belly button. I have to be careful about carbs though, even whole wheat bread and pasta makes me gain weight.