What kind of toppings do you like with your ice cream?

Ice Cream - I love ice cream like termites love wood. lol
July 12, 2007 12:29pm CST
I love having my ice cream with lots of nuts~! Any type of nuts will do whether it be almonds, walnuts, or peanuts. I also love having it with rich chocolate fudge. Yummm~! I don't really fancy it will chocolate rice or caramel though. What about you? What do you like with your ice cream?
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21 responses
• Hong Kong
13 Jul 07
I normally don't add any toppings on my ice cream, because I don't usually stock any at home. But when I am at a buffet, I would definitely use their toppings. I love nuts and chocolates! I would add tons of chocolates in even if I am having chocolate ice cream. My friends always say I am a little crazy and I act like I don't have enough chocolates! But I just love the crunchy-ness the chocolates add to the ice cream. It's really yummy. Maybe I should try making the toppings myself at home too so I could enjoy a good time with my ice cream from time to time.
• Hong Kong
13 Jul 07
Right, that could be the case for me as well! Now you really are making me want some ice cream with chocolates on top! It would be like heaven in a hot summer day like this!
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Haha.. yeah. I'm craving for some right now too! hehe.
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Gosh, the more chocolate the better!! lol.. Oh yeah, you should definitely stock some at home. But most of the time the toppings that I wanna stock for ice cream end up being eaten without ice cream itself! :P
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I like nuts. But mainly my absolute favorite part of Ice Cream will forever and always be the ice cream cone. Frankly I can (and have!) order an Ice Cream Cone, hold the Ice cream! Of course I also love whipped cream and maraschino cherries. I'll take the cone over anything though!~
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• Malaysia
12 Jul 07
You're kidding! Really? Wow, that's different. What kinda cone do you like? Oh yeah, whipped cream and ice cream would do it for me! Yum!
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I like any kind of cone. I love the fakey kind that you get from like.. McDonalds. I also LOVE LOVE Waffle cones. On top of that I like the plain cones. I don't do the ones with chocolate and jimmies (or sprinkles as you may call it) and the ones with chocolate and nuts. I just like the plain old cone!
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Wow.. you sure like those cones, huh! It's interesting to find out other people's taste.. Thanks for sharing raychill~!
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I only really like chocolate ice cream and most of the time I will eat it plain. But sometimes I like to get a hot fudge sundae but without the peanuts and whipped cream. I just like it smothered in hot fudge.
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Woww.. that just made me put chocolate fudge on my grocery list~! :P
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@lpipe0240 (1161)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I like to add M&M's, crushed Oreo's, and Chocolate Suyrup. It tastes good no matter what kind of ice cream you have...
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@lpipe0240 (1161)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Me too...oh I forgot the spinkles.
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• Malaysia
12 Jul 07
Crushed Oreos!! Definitely yummy! I like McDonalds Oreo McFlurry. I don't really fancy the M&M's McFlurry though. Gosh, this is making me crave for ice cream!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
13 Jul 07
As long as it is ice-cream, I like it whether there is topping or not. If topping is a must, I too prefer chocolate fudge or mint. Though I take nuts on its own, I do not fancy nuts and chocolate rice as ice-cream toppings.
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
I don't like chocolate rice either. But like you said, ice cream is still good with or without topping! :)
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@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
13 Jul 07
Whipped cream on top is the best. And chocolate sauce or raspberry sauce or strawberry sauce. More I do not need.
• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Whipped cream usually does it for me too. I'm not a big fan of raspberry or strawberry sauce though. But ice cream is still ice cream and I'd still enjoy it.. :P
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@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
nice pic you got there. its so yummy ! i like nuts and cherry on my ice cream :)
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Glad you like it~! I like nuts on my mine too~! Lotsss of nuts.. hehe.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
I like my Ice cream with marshmallow on top, peanuts, alomonds or cashew. If the Ice cream flavor is vannila I like to put some choco or starwberry syrup on top and I like banana too to add.
• Malaysia
14 Jul 07
hey there lynboobsy~! Your description makes me wanna have a banana split! :P
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Jul 07
I like to have chocolates or fruits as the toppings for the icecream.
• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Yup! Fruits with ice cream can be very delicious too! What kinda fruits do you like with your ice cream? I like those fruit cocktails that come in tins. And of course, peaches!! :D
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@tantal25 (838)
• United States
14 Jul 07
i guess i love my ice cream with chocolate kisses, nuts, or even marshmallows. i just love eating ice cream and i can't get enough of it. i usually eat ice creams at malls when i was able to buy lots of assorted flavors of it.
• Malaysia
14 Jul 07
Cool... Thanks for sharing~! ;D
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Hello mean_queen, I love to have a plain ice-cream. I don't like toppings especially caramel. Sometimes, I do have chocolate rice on top of it just to make a difference.
• Malaysia
14 Jul 07
hey there~! I don't fancy caramel much either. It makes it too sweet.
@amyann16 (414)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I like loading up my ice cream. I love to have it with caramel, hot fudge, strawberries, brownie pieces, cherries, you name it!
• Malaysia
14 Jul 07
Oooh, those all sound so good... Yummy!!!
@Mare73 (1335)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I'm not a chocolate fan so... I like peanut butter, butterscotch, caramel, whipcream - no cherries...
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• Malaysia
12 Jul 07
I've never tried ice cream with peanut butter. That sounds interesting. I think I'll try that one day. Thanks for responding Mare73~!
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• South Korea
13 Jul 07
I love lots of nuts, hot fudge, whipped cream and gotta have the cherry. Whenever go to Baskin Robbins I get a Banana Royale with mint chocolate chip and prailines and cream ice cream and all the toppings. Yeah I know...I'm a pig :-)
• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
Oooh, that sounds goood! I love all those too. Nuts, hot fudge, whipped cream...yummy!! I think that makes me a pig too... :P
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@no_chao (548)
• Philippines
11 Aug 07
i want fudge on my ice cream, caramel or chaocolate will do, i want mallows on it, cheese, peanuts, brownies or cookies and ripe banana for my banana split...lol i love ice cream a lot ^_^
@neenasatine (2841)
• Philippines
13 Jan 08
i usually prefer chocolate syrup, nuts, marshmallows and fruits...
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
same as yours. I love ice cream with nuts, almonds, and fudge! I just love the crunchy feeling while eating ice cream! and now I am craving for ice cream!
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
I like whipped cream and cherry, cashew nuts, white or dark chocolate shavings, and mallows. Yum!
@truartiss (386)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I like my ice cream with nothing on it. I just like plain old ice cream. No syrups, no nuts toppings or anything.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
I like ice cream as it is but if needed any kind of topping can go it can be nuts, choco dips, m&m, strawberry syrup, choclate syrup and fruit toppinf like strawberry, peach and Mango