police brutality

@teleios (737)
July 13, 2007 9:56am CST
one recent event in our town left my jaw hanging out and outraged. it seems that policemen from my town beat a retarded 50 year old man to death, and before that they dragged him around the town plaza in chains, before throwing him over the seawall, where i think he died. the doctor who examined his body is a colleague of my mother's and she said that he had a lot of bruises, marks from chains and ligatures around his chest and neck...it was clear that he was tortured long before he was killed . to think that this happened in my town, in broad daylight! what enrages me is that no one even stepped up, talked to the police, told them that they were stepping over the line. the man was retarded! i can understand if people were scared, but those policemen are residents of the town too, and i 'm sure they had family members who thought that what was happening was illegal and inhumane, to say the least! GRRRRRR!
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3 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Jul 07
OMG!! THATS HORRIBLE!!! Do you know if any charges are goin to be brought up on the officers who did this? I mean is it even under investigation?? That poor man!! What must have been goin through his mind!!!!
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
14 Jul 07
the police are under investigation, and i think they were suspended. but i'm sure the whole town witnessed it. if they all came forward, all 5 would go straight to jail. problem is, those police have relatives in the town, since they're natives there to...so there's a conflict of interest going on there ;(
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
13 Jul 07
It is unfortunate that those law enforcement officers are getting away with murder. However, your police department is only as corrupt as the government. Here in the USA we also have police personnel that will do brutal acts, however, if they are caught they go to prison depending on what they did. Many people are afraid to testify against police officers for fear of retaliation so some get away with police brutality.
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
hi naty1941. what is really appaling is that no one ever thought of stopping it. i can understand if its a large city, and the bystanders do not know the police personally. but the police are residents of our town, have relatives here, have lived here for a long time...people in my town are blood related in one way or another...its like one big family. it is just so absurd that something like this could happen!
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
13 Jul 07
How horrible. I know that police and other people who deal with violence can get carried away by the adrenaline they produce when angry or afraid. But that kind of behavior your report is beyond that. I hope they will be punished. They should lose their jobs at the very least. Can they be charged with manslaughter? Has the community spoken out about it even though they didn't stop it while it was happening? Or will it all be shoved "under the run"?