i think im crazy..

July 15, 2007 1:25am CST
hello guys..it was two months ago when our class starts but suddenly i felt something about this guy..he was my classmate.i think i had a crush on me but i feel insecured whenever i see him hanging out with my girl classmates.i think im crazy.i dont know if he had a girlfriend but i hope he doesnt. help...i dont want our friendship be broken..
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2 responses
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
15 Jul 07
i think its better if you stop hoping that he has this possibility of falling for you as early as now. because once you have this "hope" and failed in the future, you'll just get hurt.. wait for him to tell you what he really feels. if he wont tell you anything, try to talk to him, let him speak out..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Jul 07
hi there.. i think you should concentrate or prioritize your studies first as of your age.. but maybe just be friend with him anyway.. you'll just get hurt if you hope on something between the two of you that will never happen.. enjoy your teen life!!!