what do u look for in a potential mate?

United States
July 15, 2007 11:05am CST
what are u looking for when u are considering getting into a new relationship? what does the concerned party have to have when u are looking i am interested to find out
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3 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Aug 07
Connection - first and first most - physical, emotional and mental. Patience, mutual respect. Ability to appreciate and utilize both fun and silly humour. Must like and treat animals well.
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
15 Jul 07
i have four kids and single at the moment, well i am looking for someone who will accept me and kids. i cant have a relationship if only wants me and take mostly of my time away from my kids. i want also someone who knows how to respect and is down to earth.
• India
15 Jul 07
nuthin much but jus dat she shud understand n appreciate our simillarities and dis-simillarities nyes she shud have an edge over me in some areas so that i can be a fan of her too along wid havin a relation..!!