What do you think of barefoot weddings?

Barefoot Weddings - I would like a barefoot wedding.yeay!
July 18, 2007 8:46am CST
I think shoes are just overrated.And brides spend a hefty sum of money on shoes,eg:Jimmy Choos,Gucci,Prada,etc.Why don't we go barefoot and feel the sandy beaches?
4 responses
21 Jul 07
I agree with you that if you have the right kind of wedding no shoes are ok. But I know a couple of brides who just got their shoes at Payless or just wore slippers as their shoes for they didnt want to spend too much on them. But I think the only way you should not wear shoes to a wedding is if its at a beach.
• Malaysia
21 Jul 07
hey digits!I'm glad you agree with me.Hope you enjoy myLot.take care!Cheers!
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
Hi Sugar, If this was to take place on the beach or somewhere like that I would be all for it. I think it is a good idea. Weddings do not always have to take place in the traditional way and the more creative and innovative the better I say! cheers,
• Malaysia
20 Jul 07
hey golfproo;)thanks for the thought!Cheers!
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't see nothing wrong with barefoot weddings. Especially if no one is gonna see your foot; I would like to do it myself. Matter of fact, It would be essential for me.
• Malaysia
18 Jul 07
Coolio!I think barefoot weddings are awesome!Thanks savvynlady!
@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
18 Jul 07
Haha, what an idea. Im not sure many women would like the idea. But I do not think the guys will have much to complain about as it means spending less money and more practical. Somehow, girls want their weddings to be princess fairytales special picture perfect. It is hard to please a woman. lol.
• Malaysia
20 Jul 07
hey vampoet!;)geez thanks!I like the idea more than any other women out there!I know what you mean about pleasing a woman.I'm a woman myself!lol.