i was not posting here for 2-3 days as much as i use to, but now i am back!!!!!

July 19, 2007 10:23am CST
hi to all my friends, i was not posting here on mylot for a few days because i wanted a break from posting and now i want to tell the people that i am back and now i will post replies to all my friends discussions.
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11 responses
@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
19 Jul 07
Hello, So, you've come back. Welcome to come. I've too come back to mylot now after a long time. I left it for long time after making good amount of money but have become back once again. I came yesterday & you came today. Good.
• Pakistan
22 Jul 07
i think there are alot of people who go but they still back to mylot because it is so good to be here
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@derek_a (10874)
19 Jul 07
Welcome back to myLot. I look forward to joining in with some more discussions with you :-)
3 people like this
• Pakistan
20 Jul 07
thanks my friend, have a nice day/night.
2 people like this
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Welcome back, nice to see you. I hope things are good with you. I'll look forward to reading you. Cheers. :)
2 people like this
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
20 Jul 07
Welcome back dear! We are happy to see you again. Best of Luck! Have a nice day! Deepak
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Welcome back. You don't have to post to ALL my, allbeit few discussions, only any you find interesting or want to respond to. Never feel you have to respond to anything I post, just because I post it, only if you feel you have something to add or a comment on it.
3 people like this
@jmicy1029 (197)
• China
21 Jul 07
welcome to come back!
3 people like this
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
22 Jul 07
Welcome back to mylot and have a happy posting and happy earning.
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@mypigbox (2245)
• China
24 Jul 07
You are welcome.it is no a daily work for friends in mylot.Posting your interesting and enjoy the discussion.
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Jul 07
welcome back my friend. I also had a similar break like you did, was not able to post for three days here on mylot coz I got sick. I missed the people and I missed reading the great posts from mylotters. I am looking forward to read great and interesting posts from you. happy mylotting! have a nice day!
1 person likes this
25 Jul 07
i was for some time away to in holidays when i come back i had so much work to do so i coudn't respond to all my friends posts but i hope than soon i'll do it. nice to hve you back. good luck
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
21 Jul 07
Hello there alpine_007! First of al WELCOME back! I hope your vacation was good, I pretty sure it was a lond awaited R&R for you. You really didn’t miss too much…at least from my stand point. I too haven’t been as active as I want to be because I am back in school again. Well anyways, it is nice to look at the screen and see that you are back!