Is it possible to get more than one IP address on one connection?

@teflon09 (208)
July 20, 2007 3:19pm CST
Hello friends, Is it possible to get more than one IP address for a single internet connection? If you have a ISP that provides you with dynamic IP address (my modem works on DHCP principle), is it possible to share the connection with two distinct IP addresses, not adjacent ones thro internet connection sharing. Secondly, can we request our ISP for a second IP address, no matter should that mean an additional fee, on the same connection. Is this possible technically.. Any ideas please.. I am desperate for answers and I appreciate your valuable thoughts on this.. Mike
5 responses
@yeowsin (60)
• Singapore
21 Jul 07
Erm ok From what you say, I can see that you are using ADSL or DSL dial up plan, where everytime you connected, you get a different IP address. To have more than 1 IP address, you need static ip addresses provided by your isp. Static IP address is only given for leased line and etc but not DSL or ADSL dial up plan. So the answer is yes, you can get more than one IP address from one ISP. Hope i have answered your questions. Feel free to ask if you have doubts.
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@teflon09 (208)
• India
21 Jul 07
hello yeowsin, you are spot on... and thanks for a prompt reply.. I got an ADSL modem with a dynamic IP address which changes everytime I connect to net.. I still have a few more questions not related to this discussion.. I would contact you in due course of time.. Thanks anyways Mike
• Singapore
22 Jul 07
No problem, It my pleasure. Free free to ask any question, i will try my best to answer you according to the knowledge i have working as a network engineer.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
If you have one connection, that is one isp, and two computers, you can have one ip address for one and another for the other computer. Also if you go through a hardware router, then the ip addresses are different than your machines ip address. Of course, the ones on the internet know about this and make allowances. It is done just to stop trojans and viruses and works.
@teflon09 (208)
• India
20 Jul 07
Hello suspenseful, Thanks for your response.. hmmm.. I could not fully figure out your explanation.. A second ethernet card acts as a virtual router right? well, if you share the same Internet connection(I/C), between say 2 computers, you get two adjacent ip addresses.. Is this assumption correct? Also can you kindly elaborate your last response.. you can message me as well.. I would just send you a friend request.. so very nice of you and thanks a million.. yours in christ, Mike
@muralimn (534)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Jul 07
I think it is impossible to have more than 1 IP address in 1 pc. Each PC has a unique IP address.
@ebenjie (440)
• Philippines
22 Jul 07
i think its not possible to have more ip address on one connection, its one ip on one connection. maybe using proxy you can use more than one.
• Portugal
23 Jul 07
what you can have is some kind of router between your ISP and your home computers and them your computer will have a different IP address each on but to your ISP there's only one computer conected (the router)