MYLOT softwere feature is the most userfriendly among all the discussion froum!!

@nill_07 (1104)
July 22, 2007 5:59pm CST
Mylot softwer feature is the best among all the discussion forum softwere I have ever seen as well as joined. It is so easy, smart as well as user friendly. I am a Computer Engineer as well as few of friends also. Most of them are presently involved with programming related job. Most of my nearest friends are member of Mylot and few are not yet. But all of my friends have praised a lot about the quality of softwre feature of Mylot including homepage. Personally, I am member of a number of discussion forum like more than seven. Among them Mylot is the best and helium is the second. It is only my personal openion but I think most the person will agree with me since all things have a standard. What do you think? Please share by making response.
5 responses
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
23 Jul 07
Hello nill_07, I don't know really know whether this is the best software or not as I never join any other forum online. Recently, I checked on Helium as it was stated here by one of the members and I still feel a bit confused looking at the website as I don't know where to start. But definitely My Lot has a better homepage and even with a glance, you know where and how to start after signing up.
1 person likes this
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
29 Oct 07
Hi, gr8life.. With a distant it is now is processing your response. It is userfriendly since only home page almost cover all the usual necessary while other discussion forum provide those step by step. Confused!! About after singing up that is not a serious problem just fixed your goal. Think what you want to do then try to find out the word from the home page. Open your eyes and try to recognize then you will be to solve your problem. I think so far..
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
you said it right my friend, i notice that too since i am also a member of other forums.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jul 07
I had been to 10 to 15 forums. No forum has a userfriendly website like mylot. Othersites may look gorgeous in dispaly, but operation wise, mylot is much easier and easily understandable. Thanks for posting an interesting discussion topic.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
30 Oct 07
I agree with you there completely. I have been in many writing sites but have never found another one like mylot. It's easy, user friendly and very well knit with a clean look. I kind of feel at ease when I visit this place. Mylot rocks!
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
31 Oct 07
I share your opinion. I also find mylot very user friendly and very easy to comprehend. I just do not enjoy other similar sites, because they are not as good as mylot in presentation, easiness and convenience.