Your Desert-Island Movies

Wow!! - A spectacularly beautiful shot from "Hero". Great film!
July 27, 2007 6:23am CST
We all have at least one film we've watched over and over during our lives. You know the one - you never get tired of watching it, you know the script from start to finish, and you could recite it in your sleep, but it never gets boring or repetitive for you. If you were stuck on a desert-island for the rest of your life with a working DVD player (I know - highly unlikely in several regards, but bear with me), it's the one film you'd choose above all others to take with you. So what's yours? When did you first see it, and what was your favourite thing about it? So come on and share your all-time favourite film with your fellow MyLotters! You might introduce someone else to a classic, or maybe not, but who cares - it's just good to enthuse about your favourite flicks sometimes isn't it?! So come on, and share you best-ever film with the world! Tell us why it's so great, and see if you can't make us want to watch it too!
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2 responses
@yanstill (1490)
• China
27 Jul 07
i am wondering these days what kind of film to watch.then here i can see a lot of advice. what about mine?it is 'ice age'that i've watched for more than three's sort of animation film,so i guess it's only my taste.this is about three animals,three different characters,and how their friendship begin.i like the voice of the tiger(diego),cool,calm and mature,lol. the most important is,i can understand their dialogue without watching the script. have you watched it before?and,i didnt see your favorite?
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
27 Jul 07
i see.hero,is it?
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
29 Jul 07
your favorate film is "The Intelligence Men",i'll see it if i have a was made in 1960s?so i guess it was black and white film?like rome holiday? i also like to watch thoughtful films,'life is beautiful' is an Italy film,and everytime i watch it,i am touched.i like many old films,and i am not bored to watch them again and again. i hope i have a chance to watch the films you recommended,lol,
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29 Jul 07
I love old films too! Actually, "The Intelligence Men" is in colour! In those days some films were made in black and white, and some were in colour. There are even some films from the 1950s which were in colour! I think that black and white film makes some films better and more beautiful. There's a film featuring Orson Welles (a great actor in the 1920s who carried right on until the 1990s) called "The Third Man", which is in black and white. It's a fantastic film, and if you don't mind adding another recommendation to your list, that's one I think you'd enjoy :-) It's in black and white, which works so well - the film wouldn't have been as good in colour. Well, all the best, and have a lovely holiday :-)
@lols189 (4742)
24 Aug 07
the best ever film i have seen is matt damons film which the latest one is Bourne Ultimatum. it is an action packed film and just so great. i would recommend anyone to watch this movie
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25 Aug 07
Thanks very much for the recommendation lols! I enjoyed the first two Bourne films - they are very entertaining, and remind me a little of the old cold-war thrillers. A jolly good set of spy-films, and I'll look forward to watching the newest one when it's shown on TV! Thanks for your response, and I hope you have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend :-)
18 Sep 07
Thanks for the offer lols - but as my computer screen is a tad small to really appreciate a film from (not to mention the speakers being somewhat less than surround-sound), I think I shall wait for it to be shown on TV, or borrow the DVD from a friend who's an avid DVD buyer. I very much appreciate the offer, and thanks again for the offer :-)
@lols189 (4742)
25 Aug 07
i can give you the link if you want to watch it on the internet for free. if you want it please send me a pm. thanks
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