What great change in your life happens if

@ssh123 (31073)
July 28, 2007 2:50am CST
You are a youth with experience of an elderly person or If you are a elderly person with youthful vigour and vitality?
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6 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
28 Jul 07
If I were young again with my experience right now, I would be able to do something different. I would be working from place to place as a way to travel like many foreigners working in China. But I think that I need to have a stable working place without changing from time to time. Maybe it has something to do with my age after forty. If I were young again, things wuold be quite different. I would be a different person in many things.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Jul 07
I was wondering how I have missed you today. Here you are. Thanks for pariticipating in my discussion topic. There is an english adage that one should travel when one is youth. Because nothing is difficult at that age (of course money is important). After marriage and children, travel becomes more tedious, cumbersome, expensive etc.
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• China
28 Jul 07
Yes, I agree with the adage. It is really like this. So that's why we can often people say, "It would be nice if I am a child as always with the protection and care from my parents and we don't need to think about so much for ourselves." I don't have any chance to come online in the morning because I teach my son English, who is going to be in his first year in the senior high school in the autumn. And in the afternoon I usually take a nap. Besides I don't feel well because of a slight headache in the afternoon, but I am feeling much better now after I have taken twice a capsule respectively. My time to get online during the day is the time when my wife is cooking lunch and when it is five or after to nine in the evening when I am at home. Thanks for missing me. I miss you as well for your topics that I can all relate to. Have a good evening, ssh.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Jul 07
thanks for your comments.
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@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 07
i think i m kind the first type that you mentioned. a youth with experience of an elderly person thats i m :) why i said so coz most of my friends also the people that i met said that i m mature enough than my age. and i think that they are right coz whats happened in mylife made me more grown up than others in my age :)
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
5 Oct 07
That is a good investment by your parents and it is a good reard for you. It is nice to have good maturity at young age so that we make less mistakes and make others arund us quite comfortable to move about.
• Indonesia
7 Oct 07
ya, you're right but sometimes i just missed to be like others in my age. really missed to be like them :(
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
4 Nov 07
I think either way everyone would have some thing that they would change. But when we actually think about it sometimes the changes would not be as big as we thought at first. WHen I look back and think what would I do different if I had the experience of an older person, I find quite a lot of small things that I would change, but when it cames to the big decisions in my life, I will probably do them again. The same way, now if I think about still having the same vigour and vitality as I had as a youth, I"m not sure of what big changes I would do. I know that it would be great to do some things that are a bit more complicated for me now, like being able to play some sports from beginning to end, having a more active life etc... but I still do them in a way. Maybe I can't play a voleyball game without feeling really tired, but I can go on my canoe and paddle at a nice rhythm and enjoy the exercise as well. I can ride my bike as I used to - even if I go slower now- ... I really think that I would probably change some minor things, but not the major things in my life . GOod topic :)
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Nov 07
Firstly, I thank you for appreciating my topic. Secondly I sincerely thank you for very nicely analysing the topic with pros and cons. Thirdly you have really added most interesting facts of life and thereby given more life to this topic. Lastly, I would like to give rejoinder to this by stating, by having maturity more than our age, we would have lost the curiosity one gets while doing something new!!
@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 07
I am young with experience of an elderly and wish I will stay this way very long...
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Oct 07
That is a great feeling and positive way of thingking which helps you in a big way and everystep you put, you put it with great deal of confidence. Thanks for your response.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I don't think I woudl change something.The people always used to say I would like to be 20 again with all those experience I have.But it would be not such a interresting anymore.We have to learn from our mistakes when we are young and i think it has charm.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Oct 07
I would love to go back to my young days, with present experience. Thanks for your response.
• India
15 Oct 07
I am youth with elderly person
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Nov 07
Dear Nthondepu, from your own interest, you may please write 3 to 4 lines of responses, instead of just one word or two. By doing so, you may enhance your earnings. Glad to know you are a youth with maturity of an elderly person. That makes your life much more easier