which part is ur favorite?

July 29, 2007 6:54am CST
we have 6 parts in rocky which part u like the most reason?
1 response
• China
29 Jul 07
i like all of them.becaue they all belong to me.why do i like some of them or hate some of them?people often say ten fingers link to heart.it says that.
29 Jul 07
no actually one part should be more mixed within u.. though all ten fingers r lead to one heart each has its own function and speciality u know..i like very much the first part. and 4th part .b'coz the way a person approaches the wisdom..also all the other parts ofcrse im a fan of stallone..
• China
30 Jul 07
I like American films. Because of their plots and their views are very splendid.