Drive Ins ???

@Calais (10893)
July 30, 2007 7:06pm CST
Who remembers the drive ins ? Are they still around where you are ? Do you go regularly ? How often did you used to go ? They are a dying past time unfortuntely but they were awesome fun, you'd roll up on a Friday or Saturday Night with people crammed in the car and boot, there would be a few cars with mates in them..LOL...Those were the days..There are not that many around anymore..I have not been for many years, they are probaly all in steros now. I remember the crackling old speakers you had to hang on your window..
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29 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
31 Jul 07
We have one drive in around my way that I know of. It's called Bengies drive-in. It's been in a movie...ohhhh...but I doubt you've seen that movie. ha ha. The drive-in closed a few years back, I guess it wasn't making enough money, but then it re-opened not too long later. It happens a lot around here with our historical and fairly famous stuff...the senator theater did the same thing. It threatens to close every few years and then never does. It's good because these places are great and historical but it sucks that money is so bad for them. Anyhow... I can't even remember the last time I actually went to the drive-in. Actually I do, it was the year Jurassic Park came out. I went with my mom, dad and bro and I think bro's friend to see Jurassic Park. Ghost Dad and...a movie with Robert Downey Jr. were part of the set up too. It was fun. We sat on the hood of the car I remember and it was pretty creepy to see these huge dinosaurs on a big drive-in screen! I'd like to go more often but it always seems like a boyfriendy thing to do or a group of friend thing to do and I don't know I never do that when I'm in either of those situations. I probably should.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Jurassic would have been awesome to see there... its a shame that they do have to close down, I suppose with the theatres getting decked out with massive stereos and lounge chairs...Who knows ??
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
It is quite sad, Theatres should be classed as historical too, and Im sure that they have more use than some of the building, its a shame to see them go to ruins..
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I think Historical value is more important. I think sometimes the politicians and crap who make these decisions on what they will save as historical buildings are idiots. Like...this elementary school was torn down and rebuilt and for "historical value" they kept the original front entranceway in like a sculpture in the front of the new yard. but they won't help save movie theaters that have been around for years and have been made famous by movies and movie premieres. they won't pay money to keep historical buildings running..though they don't demolish the building, they close it up and it just sits. it makes me sad. It's more than just better things popping up around's lack of seeing real historical value.
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@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
31 Jul 07
There is one drive in not too far from where I live. It is the only one I know of. I have never been to a drive in but it looks like so much fun. I would love to go one day.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Yes, go there, it is fun. You have to do it just at least once..
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
31 Jul 07
You GOTTA go! They're the best. I don't know about yours, but the one in Turlock, CA uses radio bandwidth so you can play it through your car stereo. Bring lawn chairs and a cooler with drinks. You'll never look at a cinema the same way again! :)
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jul 07
Drive Ins wow i havent even heard anyone talk about these in forever. We used to have one here in town when i was still in high school. It was great fun when we were kids and i would still go if they had not of got rid of it.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
I think that they would be popular if they were still around, a lot of people would enjoy them..
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@naadia (828)
• India
31 Jul 07
i dont understand what is this drive ins....can you explain what it is..i am fromindia and i never heard about it.. i have read some comments but still dont get what is that thing?
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Its a big movie screen , and you park your car towards it like a parking lot and you sit in or on your car to watch the movie outside, instead of in a cinema.
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@mummymo (23706)
31 Jul 07
We have never really had them here - welol the weather isn't predictable enough really is it? lol They always seem to be fun when you see them in the films though and I would love to try the experience! xxx
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Yes, I think that you have to have the experience at least just once..Then you can say, Yes I've done that..
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@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
31 Jul 07
It's been a long time I haven't go to one of those. I'm not sure if they have it here in my area. Usually, people go there not with the intention to really watch the movie..LOL...
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
LOL...Yes, I know what you mean..
@balasri (26537)
• India
31 Jul 07
We have one here in our city which is very old and still famous called Woodlands drive in.It has very faithful regular customers.Many a deals are made by the business people here.I frequent this place with my friends.Ben doing it for the past twenty five years.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
31 Jul 07
Drive in - I like drive ins.
After going through the other responses it dawned on me that you are mentioning the drive in theaters.Yes that too we have .It has a terrific response here.Name is Prarthana.I do go there with my family one in a while.I have added the image of that drive in too.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
31 Jul 07
Thanks a lot for the great response.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Oh thats great....
• United States
31 Jul 07
A drive in  - I remember the drive in when I was a kid. It was a cheap form of going to the movies.
I remember the drive in when I was a kid. It was a cheap form of going to the movies. * What was really fun was smuggling a car full of freeloaders hiding in the back or in the trunk. You could also bring a carload of goodies, and no one cared if your car wouldn't shut up. * Today's version of the drive in is probably the DVD. Groups of people headed to a buddies house for a movie party, but still, not quite the same.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
I remember hiding people in the boot (trunk) and under blankets on the floor...LOL..What fun..
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
LOL...Of course..
• United States
31 Jul 07
HAHAHA! Oh yea! Free flicks!
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
31 Jul 07
When I was younger I used to go every once in awhile with my family. There was one probably about an hour or so away from us. I thought it was pretty fun, but could never stay awake for both movies. I don't know if there are any around where I live now, but I doubt it.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
They were fun...I havnt been in years...
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I remember my first drive-in! It all started in 1869, my first....Okay, okay...It was 1981 and my first husband, (now deceased) and I went to the drive-in. I don't remember the movie..I wonder why...*smiles* I am not going to tell you...HA.HA. Now back to my story..we hooked up the speaker things to our antenna that was actually on the windshield, but it went down into the side of the door panel..something like that..anyhoo, we managed to break the antenna wire in the truck, so there we were watching the movie while listening to the other cars radios. *laughing*..yep, that is my story...did you like it? I just took a percocet for my neck and I am buzzing around here and trying to respond and I don't know if I am making sense...
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
You changed your avatar...Very Cute !!! I can just imagine what you's were doing..Looking for jaffas under the seat ??? LOL..You looney...
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Thank you. I had one of us all but I didn't like the way I looked, so my daughter took this one for now...Aren't they the bestest little guys ever? I have my own Green Googie Guy now, plus his blue striped sidekick to fight evil.. You better not mess with grama Feona....You are a barnacle head.
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@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
1 Aug 07
When I was growing up, my parents would take us to the drive in a lot. I loved it. There is one about an hour's drive from me now. When I was in high school, the drive in in the town we lived in showed x rated movies. That was the only drive in to go to locally, then.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
LOL...Did you go to them ???
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
2 Aug 07
LOL....Thats ok then...or is it ??.
@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
2 Aug 07
HA!! Nope. I didn't. They closed down before I was out of high school.
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@Pequena (74)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
We have a great drive in here in town. It is open all summer long, from when the time the snow is gone until it is back. Yes, the sound comes through the stereos now. They broadcast on their own frequency. We always use to load the cars and vans full of people and head out. Now, I don't get to it as much, in fact it's been a few years since I've gone. Thanks for reminding me, I will have to head out that way again tis month :)
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
2 Aug 07
Oh that would be great if you could go again...I would really love to, its winter here though, so I will wait until summer, there is one here but its about nearly 2 hours drive away..
@rachel83 (101)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
hi! yep theres one here too! i'm english though, so i was sooo excited when i first went there as they don't have them in england! (not that i know of anyway!) ha ha
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
Oh thats great , at least you got to have the experience..
@Booffy (364)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
haha yes i remember them... there are only two that i know of here now.... no more can you drive off with the speaker still attached to the window.... all you do now is tune your car radio in to a certain station..
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Oh well there you go, proves how long since I have been there...LOL...There is only one here where I am that I know of and its about an hour and a half drive..Too far for me...I would rather watch a movie in the comfort of my own home now..
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@nmw2005 (1197)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I have never been to one. They did reopen a drive in not to far from where I live. I have yet to go, but would like to.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
yes, you must go, to experience it, its great fun..
• United States
31 Jul 07
I used to love going to the Drive-In! They don't have any around here anymore. I guess everything is so high tech now that there wasn't enough people showing up to keep them in business. Drive-Ins are about as obsolete as 8 track tapes. Yes, I remember those too! LOL
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Wow...LOL.....They are rare...
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
31 Jul 07
I guess we don't have that drive-ins tradition here, i don't think there have been more than 5 nationwide lol...but they looked nice in the american graffiti n such!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
They are fun...Shame you havnt been to one..
@twils2 (1812)
• United States
31 Jul 07
Hi Calais, back in the good old days I used to go every weekend just to hang out. I would pile as many friends as I could fit in my old rambler station wagon and pay by the carload. There is still one drive in about twenty miles from my house but I dont go that often anymore. About once a year is it. They dont use those old speakers anymore, now they use your a.m. radio. You just clip the thing to your antena and dial the right station and your set to go. All my best, Terry
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
The sound would be much better now, going through your radio...But those were the fun days..
• United States
31 Jul 07
we had an old one still up and going till a few years ago in the next town. it was called joy it was great. it had all teh old stuff. i miss it. i remember when i was a kid and went it was so much fun. i am only 31 but i would of rather of went there then the movie theater. it was great. streatched out on to top of the car friends inside sneaking in in the trunk. prices were good too. i miss that stuff
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Yes, I remember too. It was fun..
@bambi_doe (566)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I remember drive ins!! We still have one here in Michigan but it is 50 miles from my house. My hubby told me just the other day that he wanted to go and stay the night in a hotel after. They show a double feature on friday and saturday and yes they have the sound come from a station on your car radio. He also said there was an old malt shop in the same town. I told him that it was a date. LOL. Just think no more maqitoes while having the car windows rolled half way down. Thing is it will be really hot inside the car without air. We used to pop up a paper bag full of pop corn and take 2 liter bottles of soda with us. The prices for the drive ins were cheaper back then. The price for this one is $7.00 a person but there is 2 shows. Hugs
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
The prices were brilliant, very cheap...That sounds wonderful, you should go on your date,and the malt