Americans should be ashamed of themselves!

@bonbon664 (3466)
July 31, 2007 10:31pm CST
I just saw the movie Sicko, which led me to do a little research on my own. It's deplorable how your country is treating the 9/11 workers. I don't understand why you people don't riot in your streets to demand affordable health care for everyone. Especially for rescue workers who worked at ground zero for months, and now suffer from horrible lung problems, and can't afford to pay for the medications etc. I don't understand how you just sit around and watch the insurance companies get richer, and richer, and people are suffering. You should be embarrassed, and outraged.
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9 responses
• United States
1 Aug 07
Oh please. You shouldn't assume that everyone knows what's going on regarding this matter. There are way too many causes, charities, non-profits and just bad situations in general for the American public as a whole to ALL be informed on one thing and try to change ONE thing. You say that as if every American is aware of treatment of the 9/11 workers! Frankly, I've never heard of any mistreatment regarding any specific worker here - and I watch the news every night and consider myself educated in the world issues right now. I shouldn't be embarrassed, but maybe you should be. Why don't you try to make a difference, since you know what's going on? Sure it's easy to point fingers. Everyone does as according to how informed they are, and you can't expect every person to be aware of every wrongdoing. Eesh, judgmental much?
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
I would love to make a difference, but I don't live there. I wouldn't say they're being "mistreated", but, when one particular woman is practically bankrupt from paying for medication, something is really wrong. They are not getting the care they need. I just find it very sad that the richest country in the world has people suffering...that's all.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Very well said. You took my words right out of my mouth! Some people just assume. Like the person who wrote the discussion.. :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Well this is all due to the fact that this is the government by the people, for the people, of the people...NOT--we Americans have been rallying for better health care systems for decades and we're just not listened to...It isn't only the deplorable treatment of 9/11 workers who are treated like s**t, but anyone and everyone who can't afford adequate health care....If one makes below a certain income a year then they might be eligible for Medicaid, but even with that the health care practices are inadequate...and due to the rather stupid "rules" if you bring in an income a few cents over the limit then you're not eligible for Medicaid--this is even true with our food stamps system..that's another story. Another deplorable situation exists and that how former veterans who fought in wars are treated...they are treated any better than those 9/11 were men (and women) sent over to fight in wars, and many with disabilities from injuries and were also treated like crap--so sure our government is great for sending innocent young lives to fight in its wars, but does nothing to help them when they come back--the government even denied that many Vietnam vets coming back had severe health issues due to Agent Orange...and even the vets of the present war coming back with God knows what problems are being denied any help- So welcome to America...
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
It's sad.
@AmbiePam (86602)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I'd rather be here than anywhere else on earth.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
oh this is terrible, affordable health care should be available to everyone in the world I think, there is so much wealth out there, I think affordable healthcare for the people of this world should be no.1 priority before all this searching for other worlds, and fighting and killing lets put all our enrgies and compassion into the people already here...those wonnderful people at 9/11 site deserve to be treated like kings....
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
I felt so bad for these rescue workers. They helped so many people on that day, and many months to follow, and they've been forgotten. It's very sad.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Not much we can do. If you think you can fix this problem, then come fix the problem for us. Don't call out all American's and tell us we should be ashamed when you don't know the full facts...
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
If you say you can't do anything about it....things will never change.
• United States
1 Aug 07
You don't know what you're talking about. WHy don't you give us suggestions on how we can change this??? It seems to me like you think you know all the answers. So then do tell. Becuase you seem to think you have it all figured out.
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• Canada
2 Aug 07
What she is talking about is the inadequacies of the American health system and the tragic cases that were documented in the film Sicko. I don't think she has it all figured out but what is incomprehensible to people from other countries is why the richest country in the world cannot or will not provide adequate health care for all its people. How can you change it? Elect people who have health care as a priority on their platform.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I'm surprised no one else has said this, though one comment is quite similar to what I am about to say. like, you should TOTALLY always believe everything you see in the movies. Sure, it was a documentary but it was also a one sided documentary. Anything that's "political" is going to be one-sided and not show you both sides of the spectrum. America isn't perfect and I don't think anyone has ever claimed that it is. Not to mention that just because you're an American... doesn't mean you fit into that one-sided documentary.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
I didn't believe everything I saw, but, I do think it's a sad state of affairs when the richest, and most powerful country in the world has so much suffering. I admit my original post was harsh, and I should have amended it, but alas, I cannot. The politicians will never change the system because it works for them, not the people who need the care. I believe the system can be changed if enough people speak up.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
2 Aug 07
yeah...I mean, like I said...that kind of stuff is totally one-sided. It's easy to believe that people can speak up and sure people have spoken up and changed things, but you think Americans aren't speaking up? It's much easier said than done, especially if you aren't an American. All countries have suffering in some ways.
@pendragon (3349)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Everyone here suffers because of the health conditions, the 9/11 workers stand out because their 9/11 workers, but everyone is shafted.If we don't march around in the streets its because a) we're sick...b) we have Bush to deal with and you can see how he takes care of what's important to him and what's not.If we appear to just be "sitting around" ask Canada why its pharmacies are being so uberly patronized, everyone is busy fighting for themselves whilst waiting for a governmental overhaul.
@AmbiePam (86602)
• United States
1 Aug 07
You have no idea what you are talking about. Seeing one documentary and making all decisions on that is foolish. People are constantly petitioning the government to get better care for these people. Private donations are given to them every day. The government cannot change over night, but rioting in the streets is stupid. Unless you live here, no RESEARCH is going to tell you what it is like. And they say Americans are arrogant. Yeah, right.
@dimaks (786)
• Japan
1 Aug 07
i also managed to read online that the financial section of the building got completely destroyed to the ashes first before any other section. but i could be wrong in interpretation.